
Blog replacement, running Hugo.

Primary LanguageCSS


Blog replacement, running Hugo.

Adding a new post

First, start Hugo, if you want to preview the content as you write it.

..\hugo.exe server

If you want to preview drafts pass the --buildDrafts parameter.

Next create a new file in the content\post directory. Use the awesome Dillinger as needed. On Mac I like MacDown.

..\hugo.exe new post/post-name.md

Once you're okay with the content, stop Hugo by pressing Ctrl + C.

Generate the site by running ..\hugo.exe.

Add the new post file to Git, as well as the newly generated/updated files.

If using GitLab

Just push the file and GitLab will trigger a job based upon the CI configuration file.

If using GitHub

Update the gh-pages branch via one of the following.

git subtree push --prefix public https://github.com/JamesSkemp/words.git gh-pages
git subtree push --prefix public git@github.com:JamesSkemp/words.git gh-pages

Image resizing

The following command seems to work rather well at converting phone photos to web-ready images.

convert original.jpg -scale 20% -interpolate catrom -quality 50 new.png

Post title to creation script

Within LINQPad, run the following:

var title = "Post Title Here";

title = title.ToLower().Trim()
	.Replace(" ", "-")
	.Replace(":", "-")
	.Replace(",", "-")
	.Replace("+", "-")
	.Replace("(", "-")
	.Replace(")", "-")
	.Replace("%", "-")
	.Replace("--", "-")
	.Replace("--", "-")
	.Replace("--", "-")

(@"..\hugo.exe new post/" + title + ".md").Dump();