The Gitz Carlton


This is the backend for The Masterball, a Full Stack (MERN) pokemon team build and pokemon customization app that allows for creation, deletion, and editing pokemon teams and individual pokemon. It provides CRUD functionality to our front end application to allow employees to create/delete/update/and get teams/pokemon that belong to that user.

Technologies Used

  • Express
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone this repository to your lessons folder and change directory into it.
  2. Run npm i to download required dependencies.
  3. Create a .env file and add your DATABASE_URL to it with your MongoDB Atlas connection string.

Getting Started

  1. Run nodemon index.js to start your development server. Happy coding!!!!

API Endpoints

  • GET: api/teams
  • GET: api/teams/:id
  • Get: api/pokemon/:id
  • POST: api/teams
  • POST: api/pokemon
  • PATCH: api/teams/:id
  • PATCH: api/pokemon/:id
  • Delete: api/teams/:id
  • Delete: api/pokemon/:id
  • POST: api/signup
  • POST: api/signin

To see our deployed backend API, click here