gdx-recast is a library for libGDX that provides a bridge between libGDX and the Recast/Detour pathfinding libraries. This is possible by using recast4j, a Java port of Recast/Detour.
GWT is supported by using a forked version of recast4j, gwt-recast which has been modified to work with GWT.
NOTE: This library is still in development. API changes may occur at any time.
- NavMesh generation (can use libGDX ModelInstances)
- NavMesh saving / loading
- Pathfinding
- Detour Crowd (Experimental)
- GWT support
- Debug rendering for libGDX
NavMeshGenSettings settings = NavMeshGenSettings.Builder.SettingsBuilder()
// NavMeshGenerator provides multiple constructors
NavMeshGenerator navMeshGenerator = new NavMeshGenerator(modelInstance);
NavMeshData data =; // Contains NavMesh
// Saving, Gdx.files.internal("navmesh.nav"));
// Loading
NavMesh navMesh = NavMeshIO.load(Gdx.files.internal("navmesh.nav"));
NavMeshData navMeshData = new NavMeshData(navMesh);
private Pathfinder pathfinder;
pathfinder = new Pathfinder(navMeshData);
Array<float[]> paths = new Array<>(); // This will be populated with the path
pathfinder.getPath(new Vector3(-0.99f, 15.24f, 11.98f), new Vector3(17.63f,-2.37f,-21.86f), paths);