Inspirational Homepage

Designed & Coded by James F. Ciskanik


This application interacts with different APIs to display the current weather, a background image, and an inspirational quote. It also provides users with a space to write down their goals for the day. It's basically a fancy to-do list with dynamic data.


  • Users can check the current weather
  • Users can check the current time & date
  • Users are shown an inspirational image
  • Users can cycle through multiple fetched images
  • Users are shown an inspirational quote
  • Users can write down their goals
  • Users can delete goals
  • Users can mark goals as complete
  • A 'confetti' effect appears upon goal completions

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • OpenWeather API to fetch current weather data
  • Quotes API to fetch daily inspirational quote
  • Unsplah API to fetch inspirational images
  • React
  • Redux state management
  • Material UI components
  • Git & GitHub version control
  • Deployment with Netlify

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, using the Redux and Redux Toolkit template.