cd transform-errors
npm install
There are 3 test, the original one given and 2 additional test added. Please see the solution folder -> test.js file.
npm run test
I decided to break up this problem into several functions, 3 parts. The first are more of the core functions, that are responsible for taking in the error message and transforming it. The second act as iterator for Map & List whose nested structures are to be transformed. Lastly, the third also acts as an iterator for Map & List whose nested structures are to be kept; this is determined by the additional arguments (keys) provided. I did not use let, const, or var in my functions as requested. The only time I used it was to require ImmutableJS, Mocha, and to seperate my functions into different files. Please read below for more details.
- concatenateErrorMessages - takes in error Map and additional arguments
- createNewErrorMap - constructs the new Map
- removeDuplicates - removes duplicate error messages
non-nest-functions -> isNonNest.js -> Act as iterators if a Map and or List are detected where nesting is transformed
- isMapVal - iterates through a Map
- isListVal - iterates through a List and concatenates error messages
keep-nest-functions -> isNest.js -> Act as iterators if Map and or List are detected where nesting is kept
- isMapKeepNest - iterates through a Map and keeps the nesting structure
- isListKeepNest - iterates though a List, add '.' to error messages, and keeps the nesting structure