Database Migration Utility
Works both as a package to be used at the start of your application or as a cli tool to be manually ran. For the moment this is made only for Postgres

sql path needs to look like the following

|   |---1.sql
|   |---2.sql
|   |---[.].sql
  • schema.sql is expected to be a goyesql valid file with schema_up, schema_down and any other scripts that are wanted to be ran by the cli/lib.
  • The sql files inside migrations folder are just plain sql files.
    • The file naming convention MUST be a sequantial valid number
    • Any non*.sql files will be ignored


go install github.com/JamesTiberiusKirk/migrator/cmd/migrator@latest
migrator schema-up
migrator schema-down
migrator schema-reload
migrator migrate
migrator count-migrations 
migrator run "sql_script_name"


go get github.com/JamesTiberiusKirk/migrator@latest

View cmd/migrator/main.go for examples.

Future works

  • Support for go:embed