Recipe CMS

This is for personal use, but feel free to fork and use it yourself.

Made with go, echo, templ, tailwindcss and PostgresSQL. To help wit developent, ait, hot-reloader-proxy and migrator are used.


  1. Start dev db docker-compose up
  2. Setup .env and install some dependencies make setup
  3. Start dev server with make -j run
    • -j is so it can run the different watch jobs concurently

Hot reloader proxy will by default start the proxy server on port 5001


  • On every recipe add a recipe exporter page/button to import to my fitness pal
  • Add nutrients info table support
  • Add total weight/portions support
  • On ingredients/seasonings add a way to ignore amount
    • I.E. for seasonings I don't care about the amount, just want the list
  • Maybe think of a way to reorder items in a recipe?