Code of 'F-YOLO: Delving into Fuzzy YOLO for Improved Traffic Object Detection'

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code of paper F-YOLO: Delving into Fuzzy YOLO for Improved Traffic Object Detection


Fuzzy Fusion Module

FFM is deployed to steer the fusion process, managing feature uncertainty during the fusion while achieving multi-scale feature fusion.

Fuzzy Fusion

Fuzzy Attention

The fuzzy attention mechanism consists of two distinct submodules: CFA and SFA. The former targets the mitigation and control of spatial dimension uncertainty, while the latter addresses similar concerns in the channel dimension.


Channel fuzzy attention employs fuzzy methodologies to evaluate each channel's contribution to the detection task.

Channel Fuzzy Attention


Spatial fuzzy attention focuses on the uncertainty of each position in feature space, rather than their values.

Spatial Fuzzy Attention


GPB is designed to more effectively assimilate global context information, which is composed by GhostBlock and Pooling Enhancement submodule.


  1. Pytorch==1.2.0
  2. MMDetection==3.0.0, MMEngine==0.7.3
  3. MMYOLO==0.5.0

For MMYOLO, please see https://mmyolo.readthedocs.io/

Placing files in our repository to the appropriate place as in MMYOLO, just overwrite or copy the new files is enough.

Caution: make sure all files is downloaded and renewed, especially __init__.pys, mmyolo/tools/analysis_tools and mmyolo/mmyolo/models/layers


Same as MMYOLO, please see 15 minutes to get started with MMYOLO object detection — MMYOLO 0.5.0 documentation and our config files are in mmyolo/configs/yolov6s/.

We used a very simple and intuitive way to present the code, with all modules plug and play.


bash ./tool/dist_train.sh 2


# for val&test
python ./tool/test.py


python ./tool/analyze_logs/benchmark.py
python ./tool/analyze_logs/analyze_logs.py
python ./tool/analyze_logs/get_flops.py


TABLE I. Experimental results on COCO val2017
Method Backbone AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL
PPYOLOEs CSPRepResNet 43.1 60.5 46.6 23.2 46.4 56.9
YOLOv6s EfficientRep 43.5 60.4 46.8 23.7 48.9 59.9
RTMDets Modified CSP 44.5 61.6 48.3 24.1 49.2 61.9
YOLOv8s Modified CSP 44.2 61.1 47.9 25.9 49.1 60.1
DAMO-YOLOs MAE-NAS 46.0 61.9 49.5 25.9 50.6 62.5
YOLO-MSs MS-Block 46.2 63.7 50.5 26.9 50.5 63.0
Ours EfficientRep 46.2 65.5 51.0 25.9 52.4 64.4
TABLE II. Experimental results on VisDrone2017
Method Backbone AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL
YOLOXs Modified CSP 17.6 33.9 16.2 9.0 27.7 45.0
YOLOv6s EfficientRep 19.5 33.2 19.5 9.7 30.8 47.4
PPYOLOEs CSPRepResNet 20.0 34.6 20.0 10.5 31.5 51.0
UAV-YOLO Modified CSP(YOLOv5) 20.6 37.6 - - - -
YOLOv8s Modified CSP(C2f) 20.9 36.8 20.7 10.7 33.2 49.7
FE-YOLOv5 Modified CSP(YOLOv5) 21.0 37.0 20.7 13.2 29.5 39.1
Ours EfficientRep(YOLOv6) 23.4 38.2 24.2 11.3 37.6 59.1
TABLE III. Experimental results on UA-DETRAC
Method Backbone AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL FLOPs
FasterRCNN ResNet 38.8 66.3 40.3 3.9 28.9 43.7 60.5
RetinaNet ResNet 32.1 56.6 33.8 2.1 22.8 46.8 45.2
CascadeRCNN ResNet 41.1 65.2 46.4 3.8 27.5 57.1 88.1
ATSS ResNet 32.1 58.8 31.0 4.1 24.0 45.1 49.2
YOLOv5s Modified CSP 44.9 62.0 51.8 5.2 34.7 56.2 17.1
YOLOXs Modified CSP 40.0 56.2 46.6 3.4 28.8 49.6 26.8
PPYOLOEs CSPRepResNet 43.7 55.3 51.1 1.1 28.8 53.5 17.4
YOLOv6s EfficientRep 43.0 59.0 49.9 4.2 29.7 58.7 43.8
YOLO7tiny Extended-ELAN 43.4 62.8 50.6 4.1 32.6 57.2 13.1
YOLOv8s Modified CSP(C2f) 46.9 62.6 52.9 3.9 31.4 58.7 28.6
Ours EfficientRep 46.7 61.1 54.9 9.0 27.4 59.2 44.3
TABLE IV. mAP of different classes in BDD100K
Models Ped Rider Car Truck Bus Train Bicycle TL TS
PPYOLOEs 55.3 37.2 76.3 61.4 60.4 0.0 42.9 57.6 66.1
YOLOv6s 59.6 42.0 77.4 61.8 59.6 0.0 40.6 58.3 61.9
YOLOv8s 62.2 45.9 79.8 64.0 61.4 0.6 44.0 62.3 65.4
Ours 62.9 46.2 79.4 64.1 62.0 7.0 44.5 61.9 65.7
TABLE V. Ablation study
43.5 60.4 46.8 23.7 48.9 59.9
44.0 61.9 48.2 23.6 49.2 61.0
44.9 62.6 48.4 24.6 49.8 62.5
44.5 62.3 47.9 24.4 49.1 62.8
45.7 63.5 49.1 25.4 50.3 65.0
46.2 65.5 51.0 25.9 52.4 64.4
The F-YOLO model are trained from scratch on the MS COCO and UA-DETRAC datasets for 300 epochs, without relying on any baseline model checkpoints. Subsequent fine-tuning was carried out on the VisDrone2019 and BDD100K datasets for 50 and 100 epochs, respectively.
Train and test on 2 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs.


Pretrained checkpoint will coming soon.

model epoch AP config file download
F-YOLO_coco 300 46.2 cfg [link]
F-YOLO_visdrone 100 23.4 cfg [link]
F-YOLO_bdd 100 32.2 cfg [link]
F-YOLO_ua-detrac 300 46.7 cfg [link]
yolox_ua-detrca 300 40.0 cfg [link]
PPYOLOE_ua-detrac 100 43.7 cfg [link]
PPYOLOE_bdd 100 29.2 cfg [link]
YOLOv6_coco 300 43.5 cfg link code:hwpt
YOLOv6_bdd 100 29.7 cfg [link]
YOLOv6_ua-detrac 300 43.0 cfg [link]
YOLOv8_visdrone 100 20.9 cfg [link]
YOLOv8_bdd 100 31.5 cfg [link]


jiaxiongyang at tongji dot edu dot cn