
HTTP status codes

Primary LanguageRoff

HTTP Status Codes

Sure, you know your 200 Ok, 404 Not Found, and 500 Internal Server Error HTTP status codes, but beyond those, chances are you need to look up their specific meaning. Pulling up a website for those is fine, but wouldn't it make more sense to just type man httpstatus and see all the status codes?

I know, I thought so, too. So here's a manual page that provides a terse summary of the standardized HTTP status codes as derived from the various RFCs.

If you're too lazy even to install the manual page, here's a PDF.


You can install the manual page by running make install. This will copy the manual page into the subdirectory share/man/man7 under PREFIX.

The Makefile defaults to /usr/local as the prefix, but you can change that, if you like:

$ make PREFIX=~ install

If you'd like to be able to call up the manual page for each HTTP status code using e.g., man http:451, then you can run

$ make install-all

This will create symlinks for each status code to httpstatus(7).

See also