False Positive Reduction in Pulmonary Nodule Detection with LUNA16

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-scale Gradual Itegration Convolutional Neural Network for False Positive Reduction in Pulmonary Nodule Detection


python 3.4

tensorflow 1.3

Ubuntu 14.04.02 LTS


Bum-Chae Kim and prof. Heung-Il Suk* *corresponding author: hisuk@korea.ac.kr

Machine Intelligence Lab., Dept. Brain & Cognitive Engineering. Korea University, Seoul, Rep. of Korea.


JiSeok Yoon, thank you for your cooperation!

Lung Nodula Analysis 2016 (LUNA16)

This project for pulmonary nodule detection systems FP reduction. We use LUNA16 challenge dataset.


We participated in the competition and got the following CPMs:

  • MILAB_ConcatCAD: rank 3 (2017.11.25)
  • MILAB_RedCAD@: rank 8 (2017.11.25)

@:The submissions with '@'' used the initially provided list of nodule candidates computed using fewer candidate detection algorithms.

last update date: 2018.01.07.