
Create your own emotion and sentiment API using Tensorflow Recurrent Neural Network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Create your own emotion and sentiment API using Tensorflow Recurrent Neural Network

This repository will show you how to instantiate 2 different Tensorflow graphs in shared memory.

You may download pretrained model for sentiment and emotion here

|--- server.py
|    to bind our app into port
|--- train.py
|    to train your own data-set
|--- data
|    create new folder name 'data' and insert your own data-set here, [negative, positive]
|--- data/negative
|--- data/positive

make sure check setting.py first

# these global variables for vectors model
dimension = 512
skip_size = 8
skip_window = 1
num_skips = 2
iteration_train_vectors = 20000

# these global variables for NN
num_layers = 3
size_layer = 256
learning_rate = 0.0001
epoch = 100
batch = 100
maxlen = 50

make sure change port or IP in server.py first

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # for public ip
    # define your port
    # thread = True if want multi-thread, depends on your OS
    app.run(host = '', threaded = True,  port = 999999)

Remember, Flask cannot support a lot concurrent thread at the same time, maybe you can check Gunicorn

sudo pip install gunicorn
sudo gunicorn -w (NUMBER_OF_WORKER) -b (BINDING_ADDRESS:PORT) -p gunicorn.pid (FLASK_PYNAME):app
# sudo gunicorn -w 4 -b -p gunicorn.pid server:app

Make sure you have a lot of RAM to initialise multi-workers

I deployed this API in my live server, you can do GET request from here


Or check this website for simple application layer

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