
Checkers agents - containing a playable checkers game and intelligent agent that makes use of the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning

Primary LanguagePython


The entire program is self-contained within the Checkers.py file, meaning there are no external assets or classes used, but certain libraries will need to be installed. Specifically pygame and numpy.

The file can be run through the command line, but this will require external libraries to be installed using the commands below if they are not already installed. No additional libraries need to be linked on the lab machines, as they already have these libraries installed.

From the command line (cmd.exe) type the following commands:

pip install pygame

pip install numpy

The file can then be opened and the game can be played through the command:

python /Checkers.py

There is also a .exe file attached so the application can be run without the need to use the command line. This file doesn't require the libraries to be preinstalled as they are contained within the executable, but the application may flag up as a virus on certain systems, specifically those that use Antiy-AVL, Cylance, Jiangmin, Windows Defender, Yandex, or Zillya as their form of antivirus [According to VirusTotal], so the command line is the suggested way to run the application.