
Global state management for Halogen

Primary LanguagePureScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Halogen Store

CI Latest release Maintainer: thomashoneyman

Global state management for Halogen.


Install halogen-store with Spago:

spago install halogen-store

Quick Start

This library provides global state management for Halogen applications. A global or central state can help when many components need access to the same information, and threading those values through components via their inputs is either tedious or leads to an explosion of unnecessary fields in state.

Writing applications with halogen-store comes down to three major steps, detailed in the next three sections:

  1. Creating the store
  2. Using the store
  3. Running the application

Creating the store

First, we should create a central state for our application. This is called a "store" by convention.

module Basic.Store where

type Store = { count :: Int }

initialStore :: Store
initialStore = { count: 0 }

In the same module we'll create an action type that represents an update to our store. This action type is similar to the action type you define in each of your Halogen components.

data Action = Increment | Decrement

Finally, we should create a reducer: a function of type store -> action -> store that updates our central state when it receives an action. It's somewhat similar to the handleAction function you define in your Halogen components, but it can't perform effects.

reduce :: Store -> Action -> Store
reduce store = case _ of
  Increment -> store { count = store.count + 1 }
  Decrement -> store { count = store.count - 1 }

If you need to perform effects before or after updating the central state, then you can do that in the Halogen component which is performing the update.

As a brief aside: actions introduce some boilerplate to your application. If you want to stay bare-bones, then you can define your action type as a function Store -> Store, and then you can implement your reducer as function application:

type Action = Store -> Store

reduce :: Store -> Action -> Store
reduce store k = k store

This lets you write arbitrary store -> store functions and send them to your central state.

Using the store

We can now use our store in our Halogen components. A component with access to the central store is called a "connected" component; a connected component can read, update, and subscribe to the store.

A connected component requires a MonadStore constraint which specifies the store, action, and underlying monad types. We already defined our store and action types in the Basic.Store module, so we can reuse that in our component definition:

import Basic.Store as BS

  :: forall q i o m
   . MonadStore BS.Action BS.Store m
  => H.Component q i o m

The MonadStore class provides three methods:

  1. getStore retrieves the current value of the store.
  2. updateStore applies an action to the store to produce a new store, using our reducer.
  3. emitSelected produces an Emitter from the halogen-subscriptions library that will notify subscribers of the store's new value when it changes.

We can now use these methods anywhere we write HalogenM code -- for instanec, in our handleAction function:

import Basic.Store as BS
import Halogen.Store.Monad (updateStore)

handleAction = case _ of
  Clicked ->
    -- This will increment our central store's count.
    updateStore BS.Increment

In practice it's common to send actions to the store with updateStore, but it's somewhat rare to use getStore or emitSelected. That's because there's an easy way to subscribe a component to the store and always keep its state in sync with the central store: the connect function.

A component that uses connect function will receive the central state as part of its component input. That means it can use the central state with initialState and stay subscribed to all future state updates via the receiver. This is the easiest way to stay in sync with the store over time.

For example, the component below will receive the store's current value when it initializes and will receive the store's new value each time it changes:

import Basic.Store as BS
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.Store.Connect (Connected, connect)
import Halogen.Store.Select (selectAll)

type Input = Unit

type State = { count :: Int }

deriveState :: Connected BS.Store Input -> State
deriveState { context, input } = { count: context.count }

data Action
  = Receive (Connected BS.Store Input)

  :: forall query input output m
   . MonadStore BS.Action BS.Store m
  => H.Component query input output m
component = connect selectAll $ H.mkComponent
  { initialState: deriveState
  , render: \{ count } -> ...
  , eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
      { handleAction = handleAction
      , receive = Just <<< Receive
  handleAction = case _ of
    Receive input ->
      H.put $ deriveState input

In the real world we can't afford to update every connected component any time the central state changes; this would be incredibly inefficient. Instead, we want to only updated connected components when the bit of state they are concerned with has changed.

We can use a Selector to retrieve part of our central state and only be notified when the state we've selected has changed. In the previous example we used selectAll to just grab the entire store, but usually we'd write our own selector.

Imagine that our store actually contained dozens of fields in addition to the count field we've implemented, but we only want to subscribe to that field. Let's do that by adjusting our component from the last section.

import Halogen.Store.Select (Selector, selectEq)

-- We are no longer connected to the entire store; we're only connected to
-- the `count` field, which is of type `Int` for our new context.
type Context = Int

deriveState :: Connected Context Input -> State
deriveState { context, input } = { count: context }

selectCount :: Selector BS.Store Context
selectCount = selectEq \store -> store.count

data Action
  = Receive (Connected Context Input)

  :: forall query input output m
   . MonadStore BS.Action BS.Store m
  => H.Component query input output m
component = connect selectCount $ H.mkComponent
  { initialState: deriveState
  , ...

Now, even if other fields in our state are regularly changing, this component will only receive new input when the count field has changed.

Running the application

When we run our application we'll need to satisfy our MonadStore constraints. Halogen components must always be run using the Aff monad, but our application needs to use a monad that supports MonadStore.

To solve this issue, we can use the StoreT transformer as the monad for our application, and then use runStoreT to transform it into Aff. (You're also welcome to define your own application monad, though I'd recommend defining it in terms of StoreT.)

We don't need to explicitly use StoreT in our component types; all we need to do is call runStoreT and supply an initial store, our reducer, and the component that requires the store. Let's see it in action:

module Main where

import Prelude

import Basic.Counter as Counter
import Basic.Store as BS
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Halogen.Aff as HA
import Halogen.Store.Monad (runStoreT)
import Halogen.VDom.Driver (runUI)

main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do
  body <- HA.awaitBody
  root <- runStoreT BS.initialStore BS.reduce Counter.component
  runUI root unit body

Using halogen-store with halogen-hooks

If you want to write your component with Halogen Hooks ,then you can use the useSelector hook to access the store.

module Main where

import Prelude

import Halogen.Hooks as Hooks
import Halogen.Store.Select (selectAll)
import Halogen.Store.UseSelector (useSelector)

  :: forall q i o m
   . MonadStore BS.Action BS.Store m
  => H.Component q i o m
component = Hooks.component \_ _ -> Hooks.do
  context <- useSelector selectAll
  Hooks.pure do

Unlike connect, the context returned by useSelector has the type Maybe store because the hook does not have access to the store before it is initialized.