
A collection of scripts that I use often for working with omics type analyses.

Primary LanguageR


Useful functions for manipulating sequence data, mostly for my own reuse. These were all written for specific use cases, so use at your own risk.

Command Description
BLAST_bool_threshold_match.R Takes BLAST output (6) & checks if any matches >= % identity threshold, return boolean
Choose_best_blast.R Takes tblastn/blast output (6) & chooses the best one, gets overall score (across fragmented matches, eg exons) based on total % ID, bit score, & length of match
Remove_multi_ref_hits_tblastn.R From BLAST+ output for tblastn, find multiple hits of the same reference to the same sequence. For any regions with two overlapping hits, drop the lower scoring.
SRP2SRR_convert.R query SRA to get a text file list of the SRR runs within that project
addReadEndToBam.py Ammend BAM to include POS of rightmost alignment
check_inst.R Check package install in R, return boolean
getLongestTX.TxDb.R For transcript database (TxDB) S4 object in R, filter to get max 1 Tx per gene (picks longest)
my_colors.R Source in other R functions for my personal color palettes