
Private S3 PyPi Repository

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPiS3 is a fork of S3PyPI; a CLI tool for creating a Python Package Repository in an S3 bucket, adapted for use as a private PyPi repository entirely backed by S3 storage. Kudos to Ruben Van den Bossche and Matteo De Wint for their initial work.


Install the latest version:

pip install --upgrade pypis3

Install the development version:

git clone -b develop git@github.com:jamiecressey/pypis3.git
cd pypis3/ && sudo pip install -e .

Setting up S3 and S3Auth

Before you can start using pypis3, you must set up a S3Auth enabled bucket. Following the steps on their website: http://www.s3auth.com/

Distributing packages

You can now use pypis3 to create Python packages and upload them to your S3 bucket:

cd /path/to/your/awesome-project/
pypis3 --bucket mybucket --url http://pypi.example.com

Installing packages

Install your packages using pip by pointing the --extra-index-url to your S3Auth enabled bucket:

pip install --upgrade awesome-project --extra-index-url http://pypi.example.com/

Alternatively, you can configure the index URL in ~/.pip/pip.conf:

extra-index-url = http://pypi.example.com


HTTPS support