
Scripts for creating, building and running lare3d simulations of the flute instability for the related paper

Primary LanguageShell

Flute instability parameter studies

This is the collection of scripts used to generate parameter studies for my research on the flute instability in coronal loops. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Clone repository recursively

git clone --recursive

If the repo is already cloned non-recursively, fetch lare3d manually:

git submodule update --init --recursive

  1. Create a new param study genertion script or use already existing script

  2. Set output directory

  3. Set parameters to vary/keep constant

  4. Run newly created script to generate individual runs (this will copy the version of lare3d many times)

  5. Build all newly created copies of lare3d:

./build_param_study.sh results/new_study/*

This script must be edited to include machine-specific compilers/makefile options. Currently this loads intel+MPI and compiles with anisotropic viscosity only if the folder-name contains the string "-switching".

  1. Submit all runs:

./submit_param_study.sh results/new_study/*

Again, this script is custom to the submission environment. It is currently set up to submit to UCL's cluster Myriad.

Restarting runs

To restart runs from an existing snapshot, edit the variables in config_restart_param_study.sh to choose

  • restart point
  • new dt between snapshots
  • new final time

and run

./config_restart_param_study.sh results/new_study/*

before building & submitting again (steps 4 and 5 above).