Autofix TypeScript types to be imported using
import type
npm install -g ts-import-types-cli
Usage: ts-import-types-cli [options] [patterns...]
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --dry-run write output to stdout instead of overwriting files
-p, --project [path] path to tsconfig.json
-O, --no-organise-imports disable use of VS Code's organise imports refactoring
-h, --help display help for command
$ ts-import-types-cli --project ./tsconfig.json 'src/**/*.ts' 'src/**/*.tsx'
import { interpret, StateValue } from 'xstate';
import { sendSearch } from '../../services/search-client/send-search';
import { createAlgoliaMachine } from '../machine';
import { AlgoliaInterpreter, AlgoliaMachine } from '../machine/types';
// ...the rest of the file
import type { StateValue } from 'xstate'
import { interpret } from 'xstate'
import { sendSearch } from '../../services/search-client/send-search'
import { createAlgoliaMachine } from '../machine'
import type { AlgoliaInterpreter, AlgoliaMachine } from '../machine/types'
// ...the rest of the file
Moving triple-slash directives such as /// <reference lib="webworker" />
to the top of the file is not yet supported. If you know how to do this using please open a
PR or otherwise let me
Unfortunately until then, files will need their triple-slash directives manually moving back to the top of the file.
will output a list of which files are affected.