
Older iTextSharp library with LGPL license adapted to use with Monotouch

Primary LanguageC#


This project is taking the last version of the iTextSharp that was licenced with LGPL, putting it in an iOS Library Project, and making the necessary tweaks to get it working.

Update to iOS 64-bit:

  • Replaced the "sysdrawing-coregraphics" library with dummy classes
  • Ran Xamarin's Migration wizard on the project
  • Made several fixes for conversions between int/float with nint/nfloat

Changes to code:

  • Added setter to the Chunk Content. (This was a custom need.)
  • Removed Barcode files. (iTextSharp-Monotouch did this and I didn't need it, so I removed it just in case.)
  • Removed an optimization in the ECFieldElement sqrt() function. (I needed to do this to compile)
  • Commented out line 623 in LinearGradientBrush (context.DrawShading(shading);) in Mono's sysdrawing-coregraphics to get it to compile.
  • In Properties.Load, falling back to no specified encoding for StreamReader on exception. (CJK fonts did not work until I fixed this.)
  • I needed to restore the Resource IDs of everything in iTextSharp/text/pdf/fonts so they started with "iTextSharp.text.pdf.fonts." so that fonts worked.


You have three license choices when it comes to iTextSharp: LGPL, AGPL, or a commercial license. The LGPL license is only an option with the older 4.1.6 version (used here). After that version, they switched to a dual AGPL/Commercial.

The short version of the license conditions goes like this. With LGPL you need to publicly release any changes to the library itself (like I have done here) but you don't have to release the projects that link to the library. With the AGPL license, you need to release all your source code publicly. By merely linking their code in your project, your project is now open-source. Paying for a commercial license, however, let's you use their library and not require you to release your source code. Go here to fill out a form, so they can email you the price: http://itextpdf.com/terms-of-use/index.php

If you need a more recent version, you either have to make your project open-source or pay the license fee. For the AGPL and commercial license, use https://github.com/mapo80/iTextSharp-Monotouch/ instead as it uses the more recent AGPL/Commercial version of iTextSharp.


iTextSharp-LGPL NuGet Package http://nuget.org/packages/iTextSharp-LGPL

iTextSharp-4.1.6 From GitHub https://github.com/itextsharper/iTextSharp-4.1.6

iTextSharp http://itextpdf.com

iTextSharp-Monotouch is a similar project that uses a dual AGPL/Commercial license version of iTextSharp https://github.com/mapo80/iTextSharp-Monotouch

iTextSharpLGPL-MonoForAndroid is my sister project that does the same thing for MonoForAndroid https://github.com/JamieMellway/iTextSharpLGPL-MonoForAndroid

iTextSharpSL-MPL is a similar project that does the same thing for Silverlight http://itextsharpsl.codeplex.com/

Monotouch http://xamarin.com/monotouch

Mono's sysdrawing-coregraphics https://github.com/mono/sysdrawing-coregraphics