Mondo Login So what is this shit? This is a clone of NeXT's login application. It's a lightweight, local-machine (non-networked), xdm replacement. Note that replacement does NOT imply "Drop-in". This app is also designed for the Mondo Development Environment and installs into its default directories which are incompatible with the Linux FHS, a much more common directory layout among other Linux distros. It also comes with a script that starts it up, which can be called by startup scripts as is in fact the case for the Mondo Development Environment. Its meant to work with X, and depends on xinit being available. The script it comes with executes xinit, configured in such a way that itenters a loop launching this app, which waits for a user to log in. The app then launches whatever program the user has configured as their graphical shell, or /aux/WindowMaker/bin/wmaker if none found (this fallback can be easily changed in the source code). Then, when the user exits, it toes some cleanup and terminates, at which point xinit just launches a new instance of the app. It's set up this way so that X never shuts down as in the case with xdm, or running xinit itself in a loop. This gives a much more pleasent presentation, as if all components of the GUI are seamlessly interlocked and not shoe-horned into the system. It feels much more like the original NeXT environment. Another big reason is that in my own system the nouveau driver crashes the kernel in certain conditions, not all of them predictable/reproducible. One that is ocurrs when QEmu is running fullscreen in a graphics mode and then switches to text. Since the Mondo Development Environment is designed to be run in an emulator (with QEmu being my best/only choice), and the fact that if crashes can ocurr on my chipset it's likey it can happen to others, it's also best to just avoid these kind of mode switches all together. So how do you install this shit? As prevously mentioned this application is designed for the Mondo Development Environment, so that means gnustep-base (FoundationKit) 1.26.0, gnustep-gui and -back (AppKit) 0.27.0. If installing on another system and don't have these components, you have to install them first. Once these prerequisites are met you just dounload and unpack the source code and install it by issuing the command: make && make install in a command prompt. This'll install it into /aux/lib/GNUstep/, and the script to /etc/dmd. If you install it on another system and want to install it to a different ditectory, then you have to use the GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR e.g. make && make GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR=/usr/etc/BootUp install. As for the script, you'll have to manually re-locate it to where you like. Alternatively, you can just build it and manually move both components to where you want them installed. After installing them, if desired, the bootup script(s) need to be altered to call the dmd script, where ever you installed it to. In the Mondo Development environment there's nothing to do here as it's all set up for it (and it works with or without it). On a System-V init system (sigh!), you have to replace the call to xdm with one to dmd in the approptiate script. In SystemD based systems (BARF!!)...I haven't a clue. If you figure it out could ya' let me know? So how do you use this shit? Since this app is called upon system start up you've nothing to do to start it: it's already running. So after the machine finishes booting up you'll see a small, rectangular window in the middle of the screen. It has two text fields, the top-most one being focused and awaiting input. The first (top-most) one is for inputing an account name, the other one is for the password. Towards the bottom right of the window there are two buttons labeled 'Restart' and 'Power'. In order to log in you start by typing in the name of an account on the system in the first text field. After doing that, you can move on to the next field by clicking on it with the mouse, pressing 'Tab', or pressing 'Enter'. Now you type the password, where you'll see the cursor move but no text input. This is not a bug, it's how it's intended to work. The password is, in fact, being entered. To log in, you type 'Enter'. If the password was incorrect, or the account is not enabled for logging in, or it doesn't exist, the window will move left-to-right, as if to "shake it's head" saying no. It then resets both fields so you can try again. If the credentials were correct the window will laterally shrin, as if "closing the curatins", and the graphical shell for that account will be started. You can also Reboot the computer or restart it by pressing the appropriate button. Which ever you press, you'll get a small confirmation panel where you can accept or cancel the action. If you accept the window will close in the same fashion as before and a new panel will appear in its place. This one looks exactly like the first one but without the text fields or the buttons. It just displays one message: "Shutting down the computer..." or "Restarting the computer...", depending on whether you clicked on the Power or Restart button respectively. Wait, how are you licensing this shit? This project is licensed under the terms of the third edition of the GNU General Public License. Under these terms you may use it however you please, make any number of copies, modify it, and redistribute it, modified or not, without having to ask permission. It also prohibits you from re-license it, so any modified copies you distribute are licensed under the same terms, and you HAVE to make the source code INCLUDING YOUR MODIFICATIONS available to those you give it away to. You of cours also have access to the initial source code, the one I provide as the projects author. Thats some kewl shit! I know, right?
Functional (and not completely but near-identical) clone of NeXT's Login app for the Mondo Development Environment