
The Strontium Library (SrL) is a collection of sketch recognition libraries for use on the JDK and Android

Primary LanguageJava


We are still working on the license information for this project. Most code here is released under a BSD license, copyright the Sketch Recognition Lab of Texas A&M University. Where not indicated, please assume a BSD license. If you notice any inconsistencies please let us know as we are working to clean this code up.

Strontium Library (SrL)

The Strontium Library is a collection of sketch recognition libraries. It is split into 6 distinct pieces:

  1. Core - This contains core classes for collecting and storing sketches, including Sketch, Stroke, Point and Shape.
  2. Recognition - This contains several sketch recognition libraries, of particular interest is the basic shape recognizer PaleoSketch
  3. Distributed – This contains client/server code for a messaging system for performing distributed sketch recognition.
  4. Legacy – This contains some legacy dependencies, not needed for any new application.
  5. Swing UI - This contains a few basic Java Swing user interface classes
  6. Android UI - This contains a few basic Android user interface views

Use as Maven Dependency

In order to use this library as a maven dependency you will need to add the following repository:


Then add these dependencies:


Sample Applications

To see what basic shape recognition can do, try out the following application:

PaleoSketch Online is an in-browser recognizer that you can try out. It performs recognition on a Google App Engine instance and returns recognition results.

Simple Example

The following example shows how to create a sketch object, add a stroke made up of points and perform basic shape recognition on it:

	 Create the sketch. This would normally be done by collection points from user interaction
	Sketch sketch = new Sketch();
	Stroke stroke = new Stroke();
	for(int i=0; i<20; i++){
	  stroke.add(new Point(i,i));
	 Run basic shape recognition on the first stroke of the sketch (the one we just created)
	 This should result in a best shape label of "Line"
	PaleoSketchRecognizer recognizer = new PaleoSketchRecognizer(PaleoConfig.allOn());
	IRecognition result = recognizer.recognize(sketch.getFirstStroke());
	  System.out.println("Correctly recognized as a line");

Configuring PaleoSketch

To instantiate the PaleoSketchRecognizer you must first create a PaleoConfig. This allows you to specify which set of shapes you would like to recognize.

	 By default, every shape is enabled when using the plain constructor
	PaleoConfig config = new PaleoConfig();

	 Or you can pass a list of shape Options to specify which to enable. All other shapes will be disabled.
	config = new PaleoConfig(PaleoConfig.Option.Line, PaleoConfig.Option.Circle, PaleoConfig.Option.Polyline);

	 Or you can use one of several predefined recognition sets.
	config = PaleoConfig.allOn();
	config = PaleoConfig.basicPrimsOnly();