
Final project in Udacity's Grow with Google scholarship program - develop a simple pixel art web page using JavaScript and DOM manipulation methods

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final project in Udacity's Grow with Google scholarship program - develop a simple pixel art web page using JavaScript and DOM manipulation methods.

The Pixel Art Maker project will be completed following Udacity's Pixel Art Project rubric and style guides.


Following the HTML and CSS template provided by Udacity, complete the JavaScript programming behind a single-page web app that allows users to draw pixel art on a customizable canvas.


  • User Story: I can view an interactive web page that allows me to specify the size of a grid of "pixels" as a canvas on which to draw.

  • User Story: I can choose a color for the pixels I fill in on the interactive canvas.

  • User Story: I can click a cell in the canvas grid to fill that cell with my chosen color.


In this project, I'll be making use of the skills learned in the JavaScript foundations class as well as jQuery (using jQuery is not a requirement).

According to the project overview, the tasks involved in developing the interactive pixel canvas will involve:

  • Defining variables with const and let
  • Accessing the DOM using methods of the document object
  • Declaring functions and attaching them to DOM objects as event listeners
  • Writing nested loops and using loop variables