

This repository serves as a database for our evaluation of ChatGPT's Capabilities on Vulnerability Management. It contains source code, datasets and prompts used across six vulnerability management tasks.


Directory/File Description
src Source code to evaluate ChatGPT's capibilities.
├─ Call API through HTTP requests.
├─ Generate prompt from templates.
└─ vulfix Combine the response and original code. Evaluate the correctness of fixing codes.
data Datasets and prompt templates used across 6 tasks.
├─ title dataset and prompt templates used for bug report title generation task.
├─ SBRP dataset and prompt templates used for security bug report prediction task.
├─ cvss dataset and prompt templates used for vulnerability severity evaluation task.
├─ vulfix dataset and prompt templates used for vulnerability repair task.
├─ APCA dataset and prompt templates used for patch correctness assessment task.
└─ stable dataset and prompt templates used for stable patch classification task.

Citing the Paper

@inproceedings {299549,
	author = {Peiyu Liu and Junming Liu and Lirong Fu and Kangjie Lu and Yifan Xia and Xuhong Zhang and Wenzhi Chen and Haiqin Weng and Shouling Ji and Wenhai Wang},
	title = {Exploring ChatGPT's Capabilities on Vulnerability Management},
	booktitle = {33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24)},
	year = {2024},
	isbn = {978-1-939133-44-1},
	address = {Philadelphia, PA},
	pages = {811--828},
	url = {},
	publisher = {USENIX Association},
	month = aug