Adding a page

To add new page, you need to create folder structure, matching path. For example, to create new page at /page, you need to create folder /www/page with index.html in it.

You also need to add this line:

input: {
  [pageId]: resolve($pagePath)

where pageId is some unique name (determines how bundle will be named) and $pagePath which is path to created file (resolve(__dirname, "www/page", "index.html") in this case).

into vite.config.js:

export default defineConfig({
    build: {
        rollupOptions: {
            input: {
                index: resolve(__dirname, "www", "index.html"),
                // ... other pages
                page: resolve(__dirname, "www/page" "index.html"),


To inherit global styles and import TailwindCSS's configuration, create scss file, let's say page.scss and include it into the page:

<link href="./page.scss" rel="stylesheet"/>

Then, insert import statement on top of file:

@import "../globals";


To create page script, simply create typescript file in same folder, let's say page.ts and include it into page:

<script src="./page.ts" type="module"></script>

(type="module" is mandatory)