
AnView is an Android view scraper library

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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AnView is an android library which scrape android view with the help of Android Accessibility Service


Add this repository to the build.gradle.kts dependency on your android project.

Note: Get the latest version from the Maven Central (Available on top badge) and replace with <anview_version>.

    // for multiplatform common module
    // or if you target other platform instead of android and jvm
    // then add jvm module to the common module

    // only android project

How to setup Accessibility service

  1. Create a class and implement it with AnViewAccessibilityService instead of AccessibilityService or replace AccessibilityService with AnViewAccessibilityService

    import com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview.services.AnViewAccessibilityService
    class ExampleAccessibilityService : AnViewAccesibilityService{}
  2. Follow this docs to see how to setup an Accessibility Service with configurations

  3. Make sure android:canRetrieveWindowContent="true" is true in the config.xml

How to use

  1. Retrieve view node periodically.

    import com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview.services.AnViewAccessibilityService
    import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
    // Can be called from anywhere
    // If service is not enabled by user then nothing will be observed by this observer
    // On Every 1 second this callback function will be called with AccessibilityNodeInfo object
    AnViewAccessibilityService.registerViewObserver("UNIQUE_TAG", 1.seconds){ nodeInfo ->
      // do scrape operation here
    // do not forget to remove observer from registered observers
    fun onDestroy(){
  2. Debug view tree for building query dsl using top to bottom tree structure

    import com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview.ext.AccessibilityNodeInfoExt.toTreeString
    // You can get latest view node
    val nodeInfo : AccessibilityNodeInfo? = AnViewAccessibilityService.currentView()
    // show nodeInfo with properties in a tree
    // information can be used for building query dsl in next section
  3. Create query using DSL & find View node using extension functions

    import com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview.dsl.anViewQuery
    import com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview.ext.AccessibilityNodeInfoExt.*
    val searchField = anViewQuery{
            param(ParamType.packageName, "com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview")
            param(ParamType.className, "android.widget.ViewGroup")
            param(ParamType.nodeIndex, "0") // selecting first index from same className's in the same list
                param(ParamType.packageName, "com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview")
                param(ParamType.className, "android.widget.EditText")
                param(ParamType.text, "Search([a-z0-9A-Z])") // Regex is supported for some param type's
            optionalQuery{ // Optional query will return parent node if no match found
                 param(ParamType.packageName, "com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview")
                 param(ParamType.className, "android.widget.TextView")
    val matchedNode = nodeInfo?.findNode(searchField) // returns single node
    val matchedNodeSkipFirst = nodeInfo?.findNode(searchField, skip = 0) // skip first matching result
    val matchingNodes = nodeInfo?.findNodes(searchField) // return multiple matching node list
  4. Using AnViewActions

    import com.jamshedalamqaderi.anview.ext.AnViewActions.*
    // extension functions for AccessibilityNodeInfo
    // actions are made by the help of AccessibilityNodeInfo default actions
    // you can perform more actions by using AccessibilityNodeInfo.performAction(actionId)
    matchingNodeInfo.click() // clicking on a view node
    matchingNodeInfo.longClick() // long click on a view node
    matchingNodeInfo.swipeForward() // scroll node content to forward
    matchingNodeInfo.swipeBackward() // scroll node content to backward
    matchingNodeInfo.inputText("Hello, there!") // write text on editable widget
    // Coordinated actions - requires api level (24+)
    // same as Accessibility actions, but human like click with coordinated positions
    matchingNodeInfo.tap() // clicking on a view node with center position
    matchingNodeInfo.longTap() // long clicking on a view node with center position
    matchingNodeInfo.swipeUp() // coordinated swipe up
    matchingNodeInfo.swipeRight() // coordinated swipe right
    matchingNodeInfo.swipeDown() // coordinated swipe down
    matchingNodeInfo.swipeLeft() // coordinated swipe left
    AnViewActions.swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY) // custom coordinated swipe function
    AnViewActions.pressBack() // simulate back press on phone
    AnViewActions.pressHome() // simulate home button press on phone


Jamshed Alam Qaderi

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