Patient Management

Patient Management is a mock web application that allows medical professionals to manage their patient data, including customizable fields. It includes an email/password based authentication system, and is backed by a MongoDB store. This README provides instructions for setting up and running both the frontend and backend components of the application.

Backend Setup and Running

  1. Install the required dependencies:
cd backend
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables by creating a .env file and populating it with the necessary values. Example file can be found in backend/.env.example.

  2. Start the backend server:

npm start

The backend server will run at localhost:8000.

Note: Make sure you have MongoDB set up and running.

Frontend Setup and Running

  1. Install the required dependencies:
cd frontend
npm install
  1. Set up environment variables by creating a .env.local file and populating it with the necessary values. Example file can be found in frontend/.env.example.

  2. Start the frontend server:

npm start

The frontend server will run at localhost:3000. You can access the running application by opening this URL in your web browser.