
What is the project about?

The dining philosophers problem is a classic computer science challenge that requires programmers to design a solution for multiple philosophers running without causing a deadlock, each philoospher being a separate thread.

What have I learned from the project?

Working with multiple threads was something interesting and new for me. I learned to work with multiple threads that share memory and run concurrently. It taught me the importance of using mutexes to protect shared variables against data races.


  1. cd to philo or philo_bonus
  2. make
  3. For philo: ./philo 4 410 200 200 5
    • 4 - number of philos
    • 410 - time to die
    • 200 - time to eat
    • 200 - time to sleep
    • 5 - number of meals until finishing. Program can run without this argument (./philo 4 410 200 200)
  4. For philo_bonus: ./philo_bonus 4 410 200 200 5
    • 4 - number of philos
    • 410 - time to die
    • 200 - time to eat
    • 200 - time to sleep
    • 5 - number of meals until finishing. Program can run without this argument (./philo_bonus 4 410 200 200)

Used Functions

Mandatory Part:

  • pthread_create(): Creates a new thread.
  • pthread_join(): Waits until a specific thread finishes to avoid having zombie threads.
  • pthread_mutex_init(): Creates a mutex.
  • pthread_mutex_destroy(): Destroys a mutex.
  • pthread_mutex_lock(): Locks a mutex.
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(): Unlocks a mutex.
  • usleep(): Makes a thread sleep for a specified number of microseconds.
  • gettimeofday(): Returns the number of microseconds passed since January 1, 1970.
  • malloc(): Allocates memory on the heap.
  • free(): Frees memory from the heap.
  • printf(): Prints messages.

Bonus Part:

  • fork(): Creates a new process.
  • exit(): Exits the current process.
  • waitpid(): Waits until a specific process finishes.
  • pthread_create(): Creates a new thread.
  • pthread_join(): Waits until a specific thread finishes to avoid having zombie threads.
  • sem_open(): Creates a semaphore.
  • sem_close(): Closes a semaphore.
  • sem_wait(): Locks a semaphore if available, or waits until it becomes available (subtracts 1 from the semaphore).
  • sem_unlink(): Deletes a semaphore after the program finishes.
  • sem_post(): Unlocks a semaphore (adds 1 to the semaphore).
  • usleep(): Makes a thread sleep for a specified number of microseconds.
  • gettimeofday(): Returns the number of microseconds passed since January 1, 1970.
  • malloc(): Allocates memory on the heap.
  • free(): Frees memory from the heap.
  • printf(): Prints messages.


I highly recommend watching this playlist and repeating after the instructor.

Phiosophers-visualizer can help you understand how your program is acting. Screen Shot 2023-10-25 at 8 44 28 AM


For a detailed explanation, watch my video explanation.

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