Unofficial Linux QQ client, based on GTK4 and libadwaita, developed with Rust and Relm4.
This app uses ricq as the rust bindings of QQ APIs.
Light | Dark |
The two screenshots have been a little outdated. The UI now has been adjusted and improved compared to them.
For Arch users, you can install via the AUR package gtk-qq-git:
paru -S gtk-qq-git
You will need to install Rust and Meson to build this project, and the neccessary libraries below:
sudo apt install gcc libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libgtk-4-dev libadwaita-1-dev
sudo dnf install gtk4-devel libadwaita-devel
sudo pacman -S pkgconf gtk4 libadwaita
GTK4 projects would be more complex to compile on Windows/MacOS. Nevertheless, considering some special reasons that you know, we shall not offer the Windows/MacOS release or even build scripts.
You can try to build it still if you are just for personal use. At the same time, you should also promise that you will not distribute the Windows/MacOS build to the public in order to ensure the maintenance of this project.
The user builds, uses or distributes this project at the user's own risk. This project and its contributors assume no responsibility.
You only need to run the commands below once unless you change the related codes.
# In the root directory of project
meson setup builddir
meson compile -C builddir
Switch to nightly toolchain before building.
# In the root directory of project
rustup override set nightly
cargo build --release
- You can feel free to use English or Chinese to open an issue or pull request.
- The commit message should follow the Conventional Commits.
- If you want make changes to the UI part, read the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines before it.
This repository is under the AGPL-3.0 license .