Projects are the final part of the course: you will form teams, come up with your own idea for an Android application, present your idea, implement it, write a report and finally present your solution. All documents are written in English.

This README consists of Project plan, Final App functionalities, Milestones and Open issues


Sixpack exercises

  • Jumping Jacks - 30sec
  • Heel touch pole sensorid -30x
  • V-up sensorid 16
  • crunches -30x proximity sensor pea alla
  • Flutter kicks- 40 sec
  • alt v-up pole sensoreid - 16x
  • push-up&rotation 24x sensorid
  • mountain climber 30 sec
  • V-cruch 10x sensor jalge all
  • Seated abs clockwise circles sensorid jalge all 16x
  • Seated abs counterclockwise circles sensorid jalge all 16x
  • Plank - 60 sec

Arms & Chest exercises

  • Jumping Jacks 30 sec
  • Arm Circles Clockwise 30 sec
  • Arm Circles CounterClockWise 30 sec
  • Burpees 10 x -sensorid nagu pushupil
  • Staggered push-ups 10 - sensorid nagu pushupil
  • Pushup & Rotation 12 - sensord naug pushupil
  • Diamond push ups 10 - sensorisd nagu psuhupil
  • Regular pushups 12 - seusbseirj baguy asf
  • Wide arm pushups 16x
  • Plank - 60 sec