Master Detail project
POC of Master Detail flow with:
- simple named routing with parameters
- loading with local Image.asset placeholder
- parsing json collection object to data model
- scrollable
- json_serializer
- filter on
Json generation:
- add
- implement fromJson and toJson methods (lib/shared/model/fruit.dart)
- add
part 'fruit.g.dart';
- dont mind errors -> run generation tool below:
make use of the watcher to rebuild json on model change:
flutter pub run build_runner watch
ERROR: Generator cannot target libraries that have not been migrated to null-safety.
I found out that json_serializable >=4.0.0 depends on json_annotation >=4.0.0 <4.1.0 and the json_annotation: ^4.0.0 includes Null Safety but json_serializable: ^4.0.2