ESP8266-ESP12e Wifi Doppel Relay IOT Unterputz Montage möglich / Schaltaktor
- 0
- 7
Eagle PCB File
#60 opened by SaulGoodman1337 - 2
- 1
WeMo Spoofing #Alexa
#59 opened by aHVzY2g - 55
- 12
Statische IP
#24 opened by xCite1986 - 4
Rolladensteuerung programmieren
#57 opened by HansWurst90 - 1
Project file
#58 opened by pakosel - 6
please add timer to Wifi hotspot
#56 opened by tkoeberl - 4
Einstellungen über Browser?
#50 opened by JanGoe - 4
Works with ESPEasy very well!
#55 opened by mnmn2 - 5
- 6
Where can I buy it?
#52 opened by snizzleorg - 0
- 7
#35 opened - 0
HC-SR501 Bewegunsmelder an der Platine anschliesen
#33 opened by JanGoe - 2
Firmware im GIT korrupt?
#43 opened by tkoeberl - 2
http 400 beim openhab update
#45 opened by tkoeberl - 4
- 1
ESPlorer Fehler init.lua (mqtt)
#38 opened by xCite1986 - 0
Externe Taster ohne Timer
#37 opened - 4
Ein @ im WiFi Password ergibt keine Verbindung
#34 opened by Gunstick - 1
NodeMCU Firmware
#31 opened by xCite1986 - 3
Zufällige Resets wenn 220V an den Relais anliegt
#26 opened by NemoN - 2
#14 opened by Dietmar-Franken - 0
Hotspot Wlan Config
#22 opened by JanGoe - 18
#25 opened by xCite1986 - 3
Reconnect bei Router Restart
#16 opened by JanGoe - 1
Verriegelung der Relays für lokale Bedienung
#20 opened by RaW79 - 2
Feature Request V2: 5V auf Pin-Leiste herausführen
#12 opened by NemoN - 2
- 5
Wieviele "freie" GPIO sind noch vorhanden?
#6 opened by NemoN - 1
Freien gpio direkt mit 4,7k Ohm versehen
#15 opened by JanGoe - 1
Grafik verbessert
#10 opened by Dietmar-Franken