
Smart weather agent

Primary LanguagePHP

#Welcome to Smart Weather Agent repo

This is (was) a smart web agent developed as a project assignment on college. It pulls weather info from weather APIs, parses it, stores it in a database and then uses it as a data source for displaying current weather at a select location, displaying possible activities and suggesting appropriate clothing.

This readme and the code needs a lot of fixes to be actually usable as a public repository so please stay tuned. We need to publish the ER diagram, some guidelines on how to make this project tick, update the readme, ...

Everything below this comment is as it was when the project was finished.

##HOWTOSETUP DEVELOPMENT STUFF Na hitro v srjanscini, ker sem popizdovo poleg.

  1. nasnemli php 5+, enable curl pa mcrypt. Najlaze z WAMP (ma ze vse vklopleno), ali pa XAMP in alternative

  2. naredi mysql server z bazo

  3. kreiraj bazo 'development' z uporanbikom 'developer' in geslom 'Sup3rG3sL0', pa mu dej dostop nad vsem (tam daj tudi da mu dovolo local dostop)

  4. cloniraj projekt nekam na komp

  5. premakni se v laravel mapo in zazeni: (php more biti pot do tvojega php executabla, za win userje je to v xamp folderi nekje)

php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed

  1. sedaj treba pognati fetcherja, ker drugaci stran sploh ne dela, idi v mapo fetcher

php fetcher.php

php forecast_fetcher.php (to mogoce ni potrebno)

  1. preveri ce je b bazi kaj shranjeno v weather_current. obvezno ke je za ID 2 (ljubljana), ker je stran trenutno hardcodana na to

  2. v /laravel/app/config/app.php nastavi debug => true, ker drugaci ce gre kej narobe bos samo buljo v ekran

  3. pozeni z php artisan serve

  4. idi na stran, upej bokmater ke ti dela, in bi moglo pokazati vsaj index page z nekimi current podatki

###Some guidelines to follow when developing for Spletni Inteligentni Agent (SIA) ###Code standards and guidelines Do not write more than 100 characters per line

//A few examples on how to write code
//All comments and code are in english

//Example of a for loop
for (var i = 0; i < value; i++)
    printSomethingOut("Hello world");

//Example function
function printSomethingOut(variable)

//If sentence
if (variable < value)
    //Make something
    //Make something else

//Samlple PHP class
class Father extends Person
    private $son;
    public function __construct()
    public function __construct($son)
        $this->son = $son;
    public function setSon($son)
        $this->son = $son;

//Example of an arithmetic expression
var something = 2 * (3 + pow(3, 2) * log(functionThatReturns4()));

####Documentation and code commenting Code commenting is mandatory on sections that are not self explanatory.

Once you finish your work you must document it and send it over to Sašo Markovič as he will gather it and manage it further.

####Pull requests and server updates If you wish to get your code live you can open a pull request or you can ask Jan Haložan to update the code manually.

####Other questions If you have any other questions you can ask Jan Haložan for help.