
App to tracking currency value and trading from one to another

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


App to tracking currency value and trading from one to another.

Install CurrencyTrackApp with git:

git clone https://github.com/JanKolo04/CurrencyTrackApp.git

After download project into your computer you need XAMPP to host project on localhost. Click here to install. When you install XAMPP you have to add move project into htdocs directory.

Also really important fings is import data base. With XAMPP you can open http://localhost/phpmyadmin and upload data base which is in file currency_tracker.sql.

Install composer to be able to use the work. Click here to install.

Download needed requirements into project which are in composer.json:

composer install

Used packages:

  • twig/twig: ^3.6

And after all instalations you can open project http://localhost/CurrencyTrackApp/

Main page

GET /CurrencyTrackApp

On the main page you will be table with currency name, code and price.

Currency converter

GET /CurrencyTrackApp/kalkulator-przewalutowan

On this page you will be able to convert ammount from currency to another, also you will be see table with lasts currency converts.

Here is a part of BaseController which is basic controller which is extends in every controller. In firts lines I define namespace, import classes and set define const variable which is called API_REQUEST and its value is link into nbp api. In this part od class you can see __construct method which set value for properties.


  namespace App\Controllers;

  use App\Queries\CurrencyQueries;
  use App\Queries\LastConvertsQueries;
  use Config\TwigConfig;
  use Api\ApiConnection;

  // constant variable with url for api
  define("API_REQUEST", "https://api.nbp.pl/api/exchangerates/tables/A?format=json");

  class BaseController
      protected $currencyQueries = null;
      protected $lastConvertsQueries = null;
      protected $twig = null;
      protected $api_response = null;

      public function __construct()
          $this->currencyQueries = new CurrencyQueries();
          $this->lastConvertsQueries = new LastConvertsQueries();
          $this->twig = TwigConfig::create();
          $this->api_response = ApiConnection::connect(API_REQUEST);


I render pages from Controllers with twig because is perfect tool to have good connection from backend to forntend. Here is example how I render page with twig:

  * renderMainPage() method to render main page
  * @param object $currencies two-dimencional array with data about currencies
  * @return void
  protected function renderMainPage(object $currencies): void
    // render page
    echo $this->twig->render(
        ["currencies" => $currencies]

Render method which I evoks I pass two data, main.html.twig which is file which have to render and assoc array with data to pass into template. Whole twig config is in /config/TwigConfig.php.

To check how this app works you can visit this website https://currencytrackapp.000webhostapp.com.