A node.js
client to connect to NIPCA, which is a protocol for some Network IP Cameras e.g.: DLINK DCS-8200LH
Provides a node.js
client to access NIPCA based IP Cameras. Tested with node.js 10
and DLINK DCS-8200LH
Some of the cameras seems to support Basic Authentication
by suppling the credentials by base64(username:password)
. In my case (with the DLINK DCS-8200LH
) this wasn't working, therefore I had to reverse engineer the authentication protocol there.
npm install nipca --save
This is a code example to show how to use this library.
const Nipca = require("nipca");
const baseUrl = ""; // IP of the camera
const user = "admin"; // User
const password = "753776"; // Pin-Code (backside of the camera)
new Nipca(baseUrl)
.login(user, password)
.then(nipcaClient => {
nipcaClient.fetchInfo().then(res => console.log("fetchInfo:", res));
.catch(err => console.error("Error", err));
- http://gurau-audibert.hd.free.fr/josdblog/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/CGI_2121.pdf
- https://docplayer.net/33354138-Network-ip-camera-application-programming-interface-nipca.html
- ftp://ftp.dlink.net.pl/dcs/dcs-2132L/documentation/DCS-2132L_NIPCA_support%20table_1-9-5_20131211.pdf