
Various little shell scripts

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Productivity Shell Scripts

Various little shell scripts that I use on a daily basis.

Scripts, commands and aliases are documented within their respective script files. Names are very short on purpose to make memorizing easier and typing faster.

Content Overview


Git Scripts

pp.sh Update all repositories within the current working dir.

Git Aliases

fp Force push all current changes
gm Delete current branch, change to default branch and pull in latest changes
grb rebase current branch onto default branch
gd Delete current branch (local and remote) and change to default branch
gdl Like gd but does not delete remote branch
gp Fetch all remote changes and tags. Update current branch.
gs git status
lc Show contents of last commit
gl Show last 3 commits
gll Show last 7 commits
ulc Unstage last commit

General Scripts

build.sh Build all Maven projects in current working dir
lib.sh Helper library that many of my scripts depend on
pu.sh apt-based package update script
healthcheck.sh Modularized system helthcheck

General Aliases

ggrep grep -Hirn with a couple of software development related exclusions
ggrepi Same as ggrep but case insensitive
mvns Run Maven with your custom settings.xml and home dir
mvnsci Run mvns with goals clean install
mvnscic Same as mvnsci but with options -T 1C (parallelize build)
start_ssh_pageant See Blog

Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

backup.bat Backup a network drive to a hard drive via rsync. Tested with cwRsync
bitlocker_lock_drive.bat Lock an "opened" drive with BitLocker
init_gpg.bat A heuristic approach on reloading the gpg4win services
reset_network.bat Flush DNS and renew DHCP leases

Windows Power Shell

change_dns_to_cloudflare.ps1 Change IPv4 and IPv6 DNS servers to Cloudflare
change_dns_to_dhcp.ps1 Reset DNS settings to use whatever your local DHCP provides
eject.ps1 Eject the disc of the first optical drive registered to the OS