
Shapefiles for OSM Bright Docker image

Docker Shapefiles

Docker image to hold shapefiles for OSM-Bright.

It downloads shapefiles for OSM-Bright into /usr/share/shapefiles-src for usage by my docker-osm-bright image.


Build the image:

$ sudo docker build openfirmware/shapefiles github.com/openfirmware/docker-shapefiles.git

Run it as a data-only container:

$ sudo docker run --name shapefiles openfirmware/shapefiles

Now a container is available named shapefiles that can be accessed by other containers that are started with the --volumes-from option. This will mount /usr/share/shapefiles-src from this container at /usr/share/shapefiles-src in your other container, allowing you to extract and process the zip files.