
               Glioma UQ + MRAG solver

All rights reserverd: Jana Lipkova (jana.lipkova@tum.de)

1) Install libraries in /lib/
2) Modify the Makefile (see notes below) 
3) If using brain anatomy in /source/Anatomy/ set up path to the anatomy inside the solver
4) run, see /source/makefile/Example

Below are notes for setting up the solver on Linux, Mac and cluster (SLURM)
Followed  by compilation notes and example (same for all enviroments)


1) Get the compiler
Check if you have gcc combiler
gcc --version

If not install with:
sudo apt-get install gcc

2) install libraries
- download the linux libraries here: http://tdo.sk/~janka/lib/
- unpack libraries in /lib/ folder
- install tbb library by  calling: make clean, make
- vtk library just need to be uncompressed, no need to install

3) set up the enviroment
Setup and make file with extension Kraken are for Linux enviroment:

i  ) set the path to the libraries see: source/make/setupGlioma_Kraken.sh (modify LIB_BASE only)
ii ) export path to libraries see make.kraken   (modify LIB_BASE only)
iii) Makefile calls corresponding make.* depending on the hostname, modify it so it calls your make.*

1) get the compiler
Check your gcc compiler:
gcc --version

i) if gcc is not installed, install i.e. with MacPorts(https://www.macports.org/install.php)
ii) if you want to switch version of gcc compiler, swich it as follows:

sudo port select --list gcc
sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc44
sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc47

2) install libraries
used libraries in /lib/ 
- unpack libraries in /lib/ folder
- install with calling: make clean, make

3) set up the enviroment 
Setup and make file with extension jana are for MAC OS:

i  ) set the path to the libraries see: source/make/setupGlioma_Jana.sh
ii ) export path to libraries see make.jana
iii) Makefile calls corresponding make.* depending on the hostname, modify it so it calls your make.*

1) get the compiler
module load gcc/4.8

2) install libraries
Follow the instructions for the Linux enviroment above

3) set up the enviroment
Setup and make file with extension lrz are for LRZ(SLURM) cluster, use mpp2 for MUC2 and mpp3 for MUC3

i  ) set the path to the libraries see: source/make/setupGlioma_mpp*.sh
ii ) export path to libraries see make.lrz
iii) Makefile calls corresponding make.* depending on the hostname, modify it so it calls your make.*

          Compilation + Example
1) Makefile + compilation
i) set up the enviroment:
source setupGlioma_*.sh

ii) The source/makefile/Makefile is used for compilation. It calls file make.* depending on the hostname. Modfy the Makefile so it calls your make.*

iii) compile with
make clean && make -j 4

-> creates executable called brain

iv) run as

2) Example
i)  copy the executable brain into /source/makefile/Example/
ii) attached script is for running:
    - on linux and mac computer see: runHGG_kraken.sh
    - on lrz see runHGG_lrz.sh (submit as sbatch runHGG_lrz.sh)