========================================================= Glioma UQ + MRAG solver All rights reserverd: Jana Lipkova (jana.lipkova@tum.de) ========================================================== Installation: 1) Install libraries in /lib/ 2) Modify the Makefile (see notes below) 3) If using brain anatomy in /source/Anatomy/ set up path to the anatomy inside the solver 4) run, see /source/makefile/Example Below are notes for setting up the solver on Linux, Mac and cluster (SLURM) Followed by compilation notes and example (same for all enviroments) ************************ Linux: ************************ --------------------------- 1) Get the compiler --------------------------- Check if you have gcc combiler gcc --version If not install with: sudo apt-get install gcc -------------------------------------- 2) install libraries -------------------------------------- - download the linux libraries here: http://tdo.sk/~janka/lib/ - unpack libraries in /lib/ folder - install tbb library by calling: make clean, make - vtk library just need to be uncompressed, no need to install --------------------------------------- 3) set up the enviroment --------------------------------------- Setup and make file with extension Kraken are for Linux enviroment: i ) set the path to the libraries see: source/make/setupGlioma_Kraken.sh (modify LIB_BASE only) ii ) export path to libraries see make.kraken (modify LIB_BASE only) iii) Makefile calls corresponding make.* depending on the hostname, modify it so it calls your make.* ********************************************** MAC OX ********************************************** -------------------------------------- 1) get the compiler -------------------------------------- Check your gcc compiler: gcc --version i) if gcc is not installed, install i.e. with MacPorts(https://www.macports.org/install.php) ii) if you want to switch version of gcc compiler, swich it as follows: sudo port select --list gcc sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc44 sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc47 -------------------------------------- 2) install libraries --------------------------------------- used libraries in /lib/ - unpack libraries in /lib/ folder - install with calling: make clean, make --------------------------------------- 3) set up the enviroment --------------------------------------- Setup and make file with extension jana are for MAC OS: i ) set the path to the libraries see: source/make/setupGlioma_Jana.sh ii ) export path to libraries see make.jana iii) Makefile calls corresponding make.* depending on the hostname, modify it so it calls your make.* ********************************************** SLURM CLUSTER ********************************************** -------------------------------------- 1) get the compiler -------------------------------------- module load gcc/4.8 -------------------------------------- 2) install libraries --------------------------------------- Follow the instructions for the Linux enviroment above --------------------------------------- 3) set up the enviroment --------------------------------------- Setup and make file with extension lrz are for LRZ(SLURM) cluster, use mpp2 for MUC2 and mpp3 for MUC3 i ) set the path to the libraries see: source/make/setupGlioma_mpp*.sh ii ) export path to libraries see make.lrz iii) Makefile calls corresponding make.* depending on the hostname, modify it so it calls your make.* ********************************************** ********************************************** Compilation + Example ********************************************** ********************************************** -------------------------------------- 1) Makefile + compilation -------------------------------------- i) set up the enviroment: source setupGlioma_*.sh ii) The source/makefile/Makefile is used for compilation. It calls file make.* depending on the hostname. Modfy the Makefile so it calls your make.* iii) compile with make clean && make -j 4 -> creates executable called brain iv) run as ./brain -------------------------------------- 2) Example -------------------------------------- i) copy the executable brain into /source/makefile/Example/ ii) attached script is for running: - on linux and mac computer see: runHGG_kraken.sh - on lrz see runHGG_lrz.sh (submit as sbatch runHGG_lrz.sh)