📡 https://tryhackme.com/room/mrrobot
First of all, let's obey the one percent of the one percent and then as always scan the ip with nmap.
sudo nmap -sS -sV -O --script vuln HOST-IP -oN ./output_vuln.txt
- -sS : This is TCP SYN scan and it is looking that if the port ready for connection.
- -sV : Service and version information.
- -O : Operating System Detection.
- —script vuln : Looking for vulnerabilities on host by nmap script.
- -oN : Scan output to a file.
We have a webserver on the host and there is an ssh port closed.
Let's check the website.
I am checked robots.txt file of the site.
There are 2 files and one of them is key-1-of-3.txt
We've found our first key.
I am looking at other .dic file and there is huge wordlist.
As I can see in my nmap scan, there was login page.
I will try to login with elliot as username and password as this list.
I was trying this with burpsuite but it was so slow. So I will use hydra.
It is giving a message about username password. So elliot username is probably true but what is the password?
I am researching about sending http-post with hydra. Found this.
hydra -l elliot -P /home/kali/Desktop/Labs/TryHackMe/Mr_Robot_CTF/fsocity.dic http-post-form "/wp-login/:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^:F=The password you entered for the username"
This gives me the password. What am I doing here exactly is trying password with username elliot, I am using http-post method because this is a website login panel. My post request body contains username password. My failure string is written because I tested that in the screenshot above. It takes so long I will prepare coffee myself. Enjoy waiting.
When it finds the password I am logging in wordpress admin panel.
We can use wpscan tool for scanning wordpress and gethering information about it.
wpscan --url -t 50 -U elliot -P ./fsocity.dic
- -U : Username
- -P : Password
There it is!
Now we need to get acces to operating system. I am researching about accessing reverse shell over wordpress. I found this https://www.hackingarticles.in/wordpress-reverse-shell/
There are two type of methot that we can use. One of them is changing a php page to php reverse shell code. Other method is using metasploit framework.
Let's try metasploit.
search wordpress admin
I will use that number 2, I am going to upload shell and I am going to access the server over that.
use 2
It is the information page for the module. There are informations for what parameter needs to set.
- It needs Password to authenticate with.
- It needs Target Host IP
- It needs Target Host Port because http service port could be different
- It needs Username for authenticating.
- It needs TargetURI which is "/". This is the path of worpress application.
- It needs Lhost for localhost to set reverse shell adress.
There is an error. I know it is using worpress but module cannot see this.
I need to check advanced options
Module is trying to check if the website using wordpress.
I am going to disable it.
set WPCHECH false
We have another error. There is easier way but lots of people showed that on their writeups.
I will try the hard way.
Actually this plugin is installed when I checked the plugin page but module is not detecting it.
Ok if there is no error and it is installing, let's try to pass checking part of the module code.
I will edit the module code.
I am going to edit with vscode editor.
There is a code that file_with, it is checking if plugin is uploaded or not. I commented that row, save this code like this and reload the module.
and done!
We are in!
I am going to /home directory and going into the user files. There is a key file and password file.
cd /home/robot
ls -al
as we can see we can only read password file. We need to crack it because there is robot username and md5 hashed password.
we need to change user to robot. Write "shell" command to change meterpreter to normal shell
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
cat key-2-of-3.txt
Now I am "robot" and I know the second key.
I need to escalate my privileges and be root.
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
This code gives you suid bit list. Check the https://gtfobins.github.io/#+suid site with this listed programs.
I use the interactive mod commands and I am root now. Check the root folder and take third key.
cd /root
cat key-3-of-3.txt