
Heatmap Generator panel plugin for the Grafana platform

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Heatmap Generator

Heatmap generator panel plugin for Grafana This plugin allows for the creation of configurable heatmaps from SVG figures with class and id tags to identify elements to fill. Documentation for the actual implementation of the plugin can be found here.

Example of use case

Already with an static SVG image representing some model of the data provided by some timeseries, and would like to represent such data (or a specific statistic from it) on the image.

This is a common use case for the heatmap generator. Just adding an arbitrary class to all svg elements whished to be updated- differenciating between them through an id selector and

How to use

The plugin needs a base svg file on top of which to represent data by coloring the regions of the svg according to the identifiers, the values and color scale specified.

Now, it is possible to import an svg image directly through the Render editor tab. Inserting the URL into the box and clicking in the adyacent import button is everything needed to use the image in the plugin. Note that, given that the image is added client-side, it will not appear in the available images, as there is not a possibility to store it locally

Firstly, save the svg resources under the resources folder of the plugin.

svg location

These svg files should have, for each region desired to be colored, a class attribute common to all regions which will be used to locate every one of them; and an unique identifier (id attribute) for each of them, which will be used as an alias in the metrics tab to associate the data to the regions of the image.

svg attributes

Additionally, the name (without the .svg extension) of the resource can be written in the defaults file of the render feature, so that it can be easily selected from a dropdown menu.

svg defaults

In the render editor tab, specify the name of the file from the dropdown menu or manually. Define too the class attribute that each element to be colored has.


Use the identifier in the Alias field of a metric to associate incoming data to that region.


Now, the svg elements will be colored according to the value of statistic applied to data incoming, and to the alias of the metrics.


Available editor options

Render tab

Render Editor Tab All visually affecting options are groupped in this tab. Currently implemented options are :

  • SVG resurce name excluding the .svg extension

  • URL pointing to an SVG image online, to import it into the plugin

  • Class attribute for elements to be updated

  • Discrete / Continuous color scale

  • Domain and thresholds for the color scales

  • Colors to be used for data visualization

  • Color to be used for SVG elements without data

  • Legend for displaying the alias, value and color for each metric

DataProcessing tab

Data Processing Editor Tab Refered to the the manipulation of incomming data, it is possible to select a statistic to be applied to each of the metrics.

The following are supported :

  • Min Minimum value registered in the current data subset.
  • Max Maximum value registered in the current data subset.
  • Average Average value registered in the current data subset.
  • Current Current value registered in the current data subset.
  • Total Acumulated sum of the values registered in the current data subset.
  • First First value registered in the current data subset.
  • Difference Greatest difference between two consequent values in the current data subset.
  • Range Difference between the maximum and minimum values of the current data subset
  • Time of last point Last time register for the data subset. (Useful to see update time disparities)

Known Issues


It is now possible to load images directly from an url
It is now possible to select wether select wether to use an online resource, or a local image. This makes it possible to have Snapshots that load correctly when online images are selected.