
Patch to change the default joystick mappings in ScummVM for RetroPie


Patch to change the default joystick mappings in ScummVM for RetroPie


First things first, I did NOT create this. The credit goes to u/theheadfl over at Reddit. See this thread for his original patch targetting RetroPie-Setup 4.4.0 I merely updated the patch to work with RetroPie-Setup 4.4.2

How to apply

Get the patch file

In this file there are all the changes necessary to change the default joystick mappings

cd ~
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jandalf81/scummvm_mappings/v4.4.2/scummvm_joystick_retroarch_autoconfig.patch

Apply the patch

Now, change into the RetroPie-Setup directory and apply the patch file to the setup scripts there

cd RetroPie-Setup
sudo git apply --whitespace=nowarn ../scummvm_joystick_retroarch_autoconfig.patch

Get the ScummVM source code

The changes will have to be compiled into the binaries. In order to do that, you first have to get the source code to ScummVM

sudo ./retropie_packages.sh scummvm sources

Compile, install and configure ScummVM

Now you have everything needed to compile ScummVM with the changes. This will take quite some time. Do not interrupt the build process

sudo ./retropie_packages.sh scummvm build
sudo ./retropie_packages.sh scummvm install
sudo ./retropie_packages.sh scummvm configure

How to use

Simply start ScummVM like you are used to. The patch makes it so the controller JS0 will be configured to use in ScummVM. The default mappings are:


How to change the mappings

Open the following file and change the mapping there

nano /opt/retropie/emulators/scummvm/controller_map.sh

Change the mappings as desired, save with CTRL + O and exit with CTRL + X