
Prebuilt rootfs with advanced software for Termux

Primary LanguageCSS


This is a static root filesystem for Termux (AArch64). It is based on packages from official termux repository and some advanced software. It's working on Samsung Galaxy S7, but no guarantee that it will work on other devices.


  • Development tools: clang, gcc, go, perl, python 2 & 3, ruby, rust
  • Emulators: qemu-i386-static, qemu-x86_64-static, riscvemu
  • Games: 2048, curseofwar, moon-buggy, nsnake, pacman
  • Pentesting: aircrack-ng, reaver, mdk3, john, fcrackzip
  • Servers: nginx, openssh, polipo, privoxy, tor, transfer.sh
  • Databases: mariadb, postgresql, redis, sqlite3
  • VCS: mercurial, git
  • More


System properties:

  • AArch64 architecture
  • Android 6.x.x (security features of Android 7.0+ may break some apps)
  • SELinux permissive (if enforced, some apps may not work)
  • Root (a few apps won't work if your device not rooted)
  • 3.5+ GB of free space in /data

Software needed for installation:

  • bash
  • bzip2
  • coreutils
  • git
  • tar
  • wget
  • xz-utils

For optimal experience, you need to use the following modified Termux apps:

How to install

Please, backup your home dir and current rootfs and move to the safe place before installation of the termux-rootfs.


  $ git clone https://github.com/xeffyr/termux-rootfs.git
  $ ./termux-rootfs/install.sh

Then stop Termux app and reopen it. If shell working, probably installation was ok. If bad things happened, then use your backup (if you did it).

How to upgrade

Incremental updates can be installed with command termux-upgrade-rootfs. If the upgrading process fails, you can try to apply patch manually with command:

  $ termux-apply-patch termux-rootfs-patch-inc-v${VERSION}.bin

File 'termux-rootfs-patch-inc-v${VERSION}.bin' is a binary patch file that should be downloaded from the releases page. Label '${VERSION}' should be replaced with next version, for example 3.3.

Warning: big updates that patch several thousands of files may require a lot of RAM (~1.5GB).

Password login protection

You can prevent using of termux by unwanted users by setting password with command 'passwd' or 'termux-setup-rootfs'. If you want to use a such feature, you must use a patched Termux app to prevent login bypassing with a 'failsafe' shell. To remove password login, delete file '$PREFIX/etc/login.pwd'.

Available software

admin tools:

  apt, bmon, cpulimit, debootstrap, dnsutils, dpkg, fsmon, geoip, htop, httping, hping3,
  iproute2, iperf3, iw, macchanger, ngrep, nmap, proot, pwgen, ranpwd, sensors, sslscan,
  sipcalc, tracepath, whois, wireless-tools


  adb, apktool, apk-utils, bootimg-tools, fastboot, resetprop, sdat2img, sparse-image-tools,


  bsdtar, bzip2, cpio, gzip, lhasa, lzip, lzop, par2, p7zip, tar, unrar, unzip,
  xz-utils, zip

binary file processors:

  bvi, hexcurse, hexedit, hte, radare2

console utils:

  abduco, dialog, dvtm, screen, tmux, ttyrec


  mariadb, postgresql, redis, sqlite3

data processors:

  bc, datamash, docx2txt, dos2unix, ed, hunspell, micro, nano, pcapfix, poppler,
  stag, txt2man, vim, xmlstarlet, xsltproc

data rescue:

  ddrescue, extundelete, photorec, testdisk


  astyle, autoconf, automake, bash-bats, binutils, bison, cargo, cccc, cfr,
  cgdb, cmake, clang, cppi, cpplint, cproto, cscope, ctags, diff2html,
  diffstat, ecj, elfutils, expect, flex, indent, jack, gcc, gdb, go, gperf,
  llvm, ltrace, lua, m4, make, nodejs, openjdk7-jre, patchelf, perl, python2,
  python3, ruby, rust, tcl, texinfo, unifdef, valac, yasm


  aespipe, codecrypt, cryptsetup, encfs, gnupg, gnutls, openssl, scrypt, steghide


  btrfs-progs, duff, e2fsprogs, exfat-utils, lvm2, squashfs-tools, zerofree


  2048, bs, curseofwar, hangman, moon-buggy, nsnake, nudoku, pacman,
  typespeed, vitetris

generic utilities:

  ag, bash, busybox, coreutils, dash, diffutils, file, findutils, fzf, gawk,
  gettext, global, grep, inetutils, info, less, man, mktorrent, patch, procps,
  rhash, rsync, tree, tasksh, taskwarrior, timewarrior, units, util-linux,
  xdelta3, zsh


  apr, apr-util, boost, cairo, c-ares, db, expat, fftw, flac, fontconfig,
  freetype, gdbm, glib, gnutls, harfbuzz, harfbuzz-icu, icu, imlib2,
  libandroid-glob, libandroid-shmem, libandroid-support, libcaca, libconfig,
  libconfuse, libclang, libcroco, libcrypt, libcryptopp, libcurl, libedit,
  libevent, libffi, libgcrypt, libgd, libgit2, libgrpc, libid3tag, libidn,
  libisl, libjansson, libjasper, libjpeg-turbo, libmad, libmp3lame, libmpc,
  libmpfr, libnet, libnl, libnpth, libogg, libpcap, libpcre, libpipeline,
  libpng, libpopt, libprotobuf, libqrencode, librsync, libsodium, libssh,
  libssh2, libtalloc, libtiff, libunistring, libutil, libuuid, libvorbis,
  libx264, libx265, libxml2, libxslt, libyaml, libzmq, libzopfli, ldns,
  leptonica, littlecms, miniupnpc, ncurses, nettle, nghttp2, openblas,
  openjpeg, openssl, opus, pango, poppler, readline, c-toxcore, zlib


  dcraw, ffmpeg, figlet, graphicsmagick, optipng, play-audio, sox, tesseract, toilet


  crunch, cmatrix, ent, eschalot, kona, lolcat, mathomatic, pick, sc,


  aria2, cryptcat, curl, elinks, ftp, irssi, lftp, lynx, megatools, netcat,
  socat, syncthing, tcpdump, telnet, torsocks, toxic, transmission, upnpc,
  wget, wput, zsync

pentesting & cracking:

  aircrack-ng, bettercap, fcrackzip, hydra, john, mdk3, metasploit-framework,
  pkcrack, reaver

python 3 modules:

  Automat, Cython, Django, Jinja2, Markdown, MarkupSafe, Pillow, PyBrain, PyDispatcher,
  PyMySQL, PyYAML, Pygments, SQLAlchemy, Scrapy, Twisted, Unidecode, WebOb, WebTest,
  Werkzeug, asn1crypto, astroid, attrs, autopep8, bash-kernel, beautifulsoup4, bleach,
  certifi, cffi, chardet, click, constantly, coverage, cryptography, cssselect, cycler,
  decorator, dismagic, dj-database-url, dj-static, django-bootstrap3, django-ckeditor,
  django-js-asset, django-orm-magic, django-profiler-middleware, django-pygments,
  djangorestframework, entrypoints, et-xmlfile, gevent, greenlet, guess-language-spirit,
  gunicorn, html5lib, httpie, httplib2, hyperlink, idna, incremental, iotop, ipdb, ipykernel,
  ipynose, ipyparallel, ipytest, ipython, ipython-genutils, ipywidgets, isort, jdcal, jedi,
  jsonschema, jupyter, jupyter-c-kernel, jupyter-client, jupyter-console, jupyter-core,
  jupyter-fortran-kernel, lazy-object-proxy, line-profiler, lxml, markdown2, matplotlib,
  mccabe, memory-profiler, mistune, mpmath, nbconvert, nbextensions, nbformat, nose,
  notebook, numpy, odfpy, olefile, openpyxl, pandas, pandocfilters, parsel, path.py, pbr,
  pep257, pep8, pexpect, pickleshare, pip, prompt-toolkit, psutil, psycopg2, ptyprocess,
  pyOpenSSL, pyasn1, pyasn1-modules, pycodestyle, pycparser, pydocstyle, pyflakes, pylama,
  pylint, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz, pyzmq, qrcode, qtconsole, queuelib, redis,
  redis-kernel, requests, scapy-python3, scikit-learn, scipy, service-identity, setuptools,
  sh, simplegeneric, six, snowballstemmer, static3, sympy, tablib, terminado, testpath,
  texttable, tornado, traitlets, unicodecsv, urllib3, virtualenv, virtualenv-clone, w3lib,
  waitress, wcwidth, webencodings, wheel, widgetsnbextension, wrapt, xlrd, xlwt, zope.interface


  nginx, openssh, polipo, privoxy, stunnel, tor, transfer.sh


  create-android-app, batteryinfo, buildapk, fake-chroot, login, linkchk,
  mount-sdext, myip, passwd, runlinux, secret-space-encryptor, service-manager,
  sudo, umount-sdext, update-config-guess, wifi-dump, wifi-jam, wttr.in


  git, mercurial, tig