

Primary LanguageObjective-C

##先说一说项目中为什么需要使用AFNetworking,使用时又为什么需要封装 每一款APP的开发,都需要用到网络请求接口,如果使用iOS系统原生的NSURLConnection,既考验开发人员的技术功底(那得是技术相当滴硬,而且在这方面造诣也很高),又考验开发人员的忍耐力(不停地改,改,改),后期维护也需要大量耗费人力和时间。于是AFNetworking出世了(目前来说比较安全,比较专业,还免费),但是直接调用其API也不太好,无法做到整个项目的统一配置,最好的方式就是对网络层(AFNetworking)再封装一层,整个项目不允许直接使用 AFNetworking 的 API ,而是直接调用自己封装的网路层,这样网络请求需求都可以在这一层里配置好,使用者无须知道里面的代码逻辑,只管调用封装好的方法就可以实现对应需求。


  1. 降低项目中的耦合
  2. 统一配置,方便后期维护。


  • GET:获取资源,不会改动资源
  • POST:创建记录
  • PATCH:改变资源状态或更新部分属性
  • PUT:更新全部属性
  • DELETE:删除资源

###以下是几种常用的网络请求方式 pragma mark - GET 请求网络数据

 *  请求网络数据
 *  @param path             请求的地址
 *  @param paramters        请求的参数
 *  @param downLoadProgress 进度
 *  @param success          请求成功的回调
 *  @param failure          请求失败的回调
+ (void)requestGETDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
                 withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                  withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))downLoadProgress
                       success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                       failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure  {
    [[NetWorkingManager shareManager] GET:path parameters:paramters progress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull downloadProgress) {
        NSLog(@"downLoadProcess = %@",downLoadProgress);
        if (downloadProgress) {
            downLoadProgress(downloadProgress.completedUnitCount / downloadProgress.totalUnitCount);
    } success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull task, id  _Nullable responseObject) {
        NSLog(@"responseObject = %@",responseObject);
        if (success) {   
    } failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nullable task, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
        NSLog(@"error = %@",error);
        if (failure) {

pragma mark - POST 传送网络数据

 *  传送网络数据
 *  @param path           请求的地址
 *  @param paramters      请求的参数
 *  @param uploadProgress 进度
 *  @param success        请求成功的回调
 *  @param failure        请求失败的回调
+ (void)sendPOSTDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
               withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))upLoadProgress
                     success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                     failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure {
    [[NetWorkingManager shareManager] POST:path parameters:paramters progress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull uploadProgress) {
        NSLog(@"downLoadProcess = %@",uploadProgress);
        if (uploadProgress) {
            upLoadProgress(uploadProgress.completedUnitCount / uploadProgress.totalUnitCount);
    } success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull task, id  _Nullable responseObject) {
        NSLog(@"responseObject = %@",responseObject);
        if (success) {
    } failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nullable task, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
        NSLog(@"error = %@",error);
        if (failure) {

pragma mark - 取消网络请求--指定请求

 *  取消指定的url请求
 *  @param type 该请求的请求类型
 *  @param path 该请求的完整url
+(void)cancelHttpRequestWithType:(NSString *)type WithPath:(NSString *)path {
    NSError * error;
    // 根据请求的类型 以及 请求的url创建一个NSMutableURLRequest---通过该url去匹配请求队列中是否有该url,如果有的话 那么就取消该请求
    NSString * urlToPeCanced = [[[[NetWorkingManager shareManager].requestSerializer requestWithMethod:type URLString:path parameters:nil error:&error] URL] path];
    for (NSOperation * operation in [NetWorkingManager shareManager].operationQueue.operations) {
        // 如果是请求队列
        if ([operation isKindOfClass:[NSURLSessionTask class]]) {
            // 请求的类型匹配
            BOOL hasMatchRequestType = [type isEqualToString:[[(NSURLSessionTask *)operation currentRequest] HTTPMethod]];
            // 请求的url匹配
            BOOL hasMatchRequestUrlString = [urlToPeCanced isEqualToString:[[[(NSURLSessionTask *)operation currentRequest] URL] path]];
            // 两项都匹配的话  取消该请求
            if (hasMatchRequestType&&hasMatchRequestUrlString) {
                [operation cancel];


#pragma mark - GET 请求网络数据
 *  请求网络数据
 *  @param path             请求的地址
 *  @param paramters        请求的参数
 *  @param downLoadProgress 进度
 *  @param success          请求成功的回调
 *  @param failure          请求失败的回调
+ (void)requestGETDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
                 withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                  withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))downLoadProgress
                       success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                       failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark - POST 传送网络数据
 *  传送网络数据
 *  @param path           请求的地址
 *  @param paramters      请求的参数
 *  @param uploadProgress 进度
 *  @param success        请求成功的回调
 *  @param failure        请求失败的回调
+ (void)sendPOSTDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
               withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))upLoadProgress
                     success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                     failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark POST 上传图片
 *  上传图片
 *  @param path           上传的地址--需要填写完整的url
 *  @param paramters      上传图片预留参数--根据具体需求而定,可以出
 *  @param imageArray     上传的图片数组
 *  @param width          图片要被压缩到的宽度
 *  @param upLoadProgress 进度
 *  @param success        请求成功的回调
 *  @param failure        请求失败的回调
+ (void)sendPOSTImageWithPath:(NSString *)path
               withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
              withImageArray:(NSArray *)imageArray
             withtargetWidth:(CGFloat )width
                withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))upLoadProgress
                     success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                     failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark POST 上传视频
 *  上传视频
 *  @param path           上传的地址--需要填写完整的url
 *  @param videoPath      上传的视频--本地沙盒的路径
 *  @param paramters      上传视频预留参数--根据具体需求而定,可以出
 *  @param upLoadProgress 进度
 *  @param success        请求成功的回调
 *  @param failure        请求失败的回调
+ (void)sendPOSTImageWithPath:(NSString *)path
                withVideoPath:(NSString *)videoPath
                withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                 withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))upLoadProgress
                      success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                      failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark DOWNLOAD 文件下载
+ (void)requestDownLoadDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
                      withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                       withSavaPath:(NSString *)savePath
                       withProgress:(void(^) (float progress))downLoadProgress
                            success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                            failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark - DELETE 删除资源
+ (void)requestDELETEDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
                    withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                          success:(void (^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                          failure:(void (^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark - PUT 更新全部属性
+ (void)sendPUTDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
              withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                    success:(void(^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                    failure:(void(^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma  mark - PATCH 改变资源状态或更新部分属性
+ (void)sendPATCHDataWithPath:(NSString *)path
                withParamters:(NSDictionary *)paramters
                      success:(void (^) (BOOL isSuccess, id responseObject))success
                      failure:(void (^) (NSError *error))failure ;

#pragma mark - 取消网络请求--全部请求
+ (void)cancelAllNetworkRequest ;

#pragma mark - 取消网络请求--指定请求
 *  取消指定的url请求
 *  @param type 该请求的请求类型
 *  @param path 该请求的完整url
+(void)cancelHttpRequestWithType:(NSString *)type WithPath:(NSString *)path ;



Contact This is according to the relevant information on the apple official documentation and making do some summary, if you found inaccurate or have new Suggestions can contact me WeChat: cz192230531, or to carry my PR in the making, welcome to contact.