
Belvo API Demo https://developers.belvo.co/

Primary LanguageRuby


Running in local environment

  • Depencencies:
    • Postgresql
    • Yarn
    • NodeJS
    • Ruby 2.6
    • Rails 6
git clone git@github.com:Janee/belvo-demo.git
cd belvo-demo
bundle install
rake db:setup

Make sure to add your own Belvo credentials

EDITOR='vim --wait' rails credentials:edit

On editor:

  secret_id: <YourSecretId>
  secret_pass: <YourSecretPassword>

This integration works with sandbox, you may need to change the URL (for https://api.belvo.co) inside app/services/ for the service you need if you want to play with production.

Instructions for testing

Ruby on Rails application deployed in Heroku Server.

  • Enter to Heroku Demo App
  • Click in Open Widget button and link your account. (You can use a dummy username and dummy password)
  • Button Account data: Gets the account information related to the link; if the link is not in the list of current accounts retrieves it.
  • Button All Data: Gets all the data related to the sandbox account:
    • Pie charts per currency.
    • List of all Owners.
    • List of all Accounts.
    • Column Chart of Transactions types.

Feedback to Belvo:

Please write to hello@belvo.com and share your experience and how we can improve our product.