
Code for first text processing attempt for a seminar class blog post on geospatial projects in governments.

Primary LanguageR

Text Processing and Visualisation

This is a fun text processing attempt for a geoinformatics seminar class blog post on geospatial projects in governments.


The graphic theme of the output images is inspired by Garrick Aden-Buie's ggpomological repository. I learnt about text processing techniques from this blog.

About the seminar

Two guest speakers were invited to the seminar to give a talk about open spatial data science in government. On the seminar blog, students were provided with three discussion questions prior to the talk:

Functions - What are some key functions for geospatial analysis in governments around the world?

Improvement - How can governments improve their use of geospatial analysis, and what are they doing well?

Transparency - Why do you think some governments around the world are increasing their focus on open data and transparency?

This project is my attempt to summarise and visualise the seminar blog responses to the three topics on functions, improvement, and transparency.

🍊🍋🍑 Let's see the results 🍊🍋🍑

Most frequently occuring terms from the blog responses on each of the three topics:

frequent terms

On increasing data science transparency as an improvement:


You can try running the code with pre-processed .csv documents that contain words extracted from all blog posts.