
AutoML System team project page (AI system 2021 class)

Primary LanguagePython


AutoML System team project page (AI system 2021 class).

The main objective of this project is to build an automatic RL search algorithm for network scaling.


These codes are tested with

Python3 == 3.8.5
PyTorch == 1.7.0
torchvision == 0.8.0
CUDA == 10.2

[Python Packages] PyYAML, parse

Environment Setup Commands

The below commands were verified on clean ubuntu 20.04 container (link: https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu , tag: latest)

apt-get update
apt-get install python3 python3-pip git
pip3 install torch torchvision PyYAML parse
git clone https://github.com/Janghyun1230/aisys2021_AutoML.git

To implement NAS scaling algorithm

python3 main.py -p [platform] -v [device] --latency [latency bound] --mem [memory bound] --id [process number]


  • platforms: raspberrypi , jetson , desktop
  • device: cpu , cuda (only for jetson, desktop)
  • latency: required latency bound in second (s)
  • mem: required memory bound in MB

If running multi-process for the certain experimental setting (platform, device, latency, mem bounds), each process should have different id.

The code will return the best scale parameter and its validation accuracy from the search so far. The log will be log

Note, the state (in the log, there are 'Start evaluating [state]') corresponds to a scale parameter (width, depth, resolution).

Our experiment on raspberrypi

python3 main.py -p raspberrypi -v cpu --latency 5 --mem 10   
python3 main.py -p raspberrypi -v cpu --latency 5 --mem 100
Setting Best state parameter (w,d,r) Accuracy Latency Memory
latency 5s, mem 10MB (0.6, 0.6, 32) 66.6 % 3.01 s 9.05 MB
latency 5s, mem 100MB (1.0, 1.0, 32) 71.3 % 1.96 s 48.18MB

Our experiment on Jeston

python3 main.py -p jetson -v cpu --latency 1 --mem 500 -d 2.0 -w 2.0
python3 main.py -p jetson -v gpu --latency 1 --mem 500 -d 2.0 -w 2.0
Setting Best state parameter (w,d,r) Accuracy Latency Memory
CPU latency 1s, mem 500MB (1.4, 1.5, 32) 71.18 % 0.89 s 91.7 MB
GPU latency 1s, mem 500MB (1.9, 1.1, 36) 71.34 % 0.35s 167.5 MB


  • Using the default setting (training on 30 epochs), it will take about 10 min ~ 1h for each evaluation of scale parameters (tested on single RTX-2080Ti, depends on the model scale).
  • How much time to run the search will depend on the constraints and device settings. (generally 1~2 weeks on single GPU will be sufficient)
  • The minimal search scale parameter is (0.1, 0.1, 4). If there are no parameter satisfying the constraints, "There are no possible architecture satisfying constraints!" will be returned.

To test a certain scale parameter

python3 env.py -p [platform] -v [device] -w [width] -d [depth] -r [resolution] -e [training epoch]

This command will print model and return evaluation results including validation accuracy, latency, and memory. For the case of the initial state, run

python3 env.py -p desktop -v cuda -w 1.0 -d 1.0 -r 32 -e 1

To test a search algorithgm on Toy Env

python3 test.py 

For details, please refer to our ppt slides 7, 8.