
A Cloudflare worker for fetching Notion databases and parsing them as Markdown

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template: worker-router

Deploy to Cloudflare Workers

This template demonstrates using the itty-router package to add routing to your Cloudflare Workers.

index.js is the content of the Workers script.


To create a my-project directory using this template, run:

$ npm init cloudflare my-project worker
# or
$ yarn create cloudflare my-project worker
# or
$ pnpm create cloudflare my-project worker

Note: Each command invokes create-cloudflare for project creation.

Before publishing your code you need to edit wrangler.toml file and add your Cloudflare account_id - more information about configuring and publishing your code can be found in the documentation.

Once you are ready, you can publish your code by running the following command:

$ npm run deploy
# or
$ yarn run deploy
# or
$ pnpm run deploy