
Fire Village is a Django Web application that allows the Fire Signs of the zodiac to Keep up to date with what is happening in the fire nation.

Primary LanguagePython


Fire Nation is a community app for members of the fire signs of the zodiac made using Python's Django Framework.


Getting Started/Setup

  • git clone https://github.com/Janice-M/fireNation.git
Create a virtuual
  • Creating Virtualenv - unlimited virtual
  • sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  • pip3 install virtualenv
  • virtualenv venv (you can call it venv or anything you like)
  • source venv/bin/activate

Let virtual remain activated and then in virtual :

Install django

  • run pip install django==2.0.7
  • Then run shell by using python3.6
  • import django in shell
  • Then in virtual in terminal create your django app django-admin startproject newdjango

Install dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements

Environment requirements

  • SECRET_KEY= added by default
  • DEBUG= set to false in production
  • DB_USER= database user of choice
  • DB_PASSWORD= database of choice
  • DB_HOST="" on local
  • MODE= dev or prod , set to prod during production
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS='.localhost', '.herokuapp.com', '.'

Running the tests

Run tests by running the following :

(venv)$ python3.6 manage.py test photos

Break down into end to end tests

The tests will test the following features in the system :

  • Image Model
  • Comments Model
  • Profiles Model

And coding style tests

The app does not need coding style tests according to its current scope

Database Migration

Migrate using:

python manage.py migrate

Running The Server on Your Local Host

python manage.py runserver

Built With

  • Django - Python Framework
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap 3


Please read Deploy to Heroku :) for details on our deployment of this app



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details