A collection of both patched and unpatched bugs, exploits, API abuses and other strange and exploitable features and illusions in the Discord app.
CBA to make an overview. Just browse the repo.
- Spoofed (fake) mute/deafen
- Spoofed (fake) "typing..." message
- Unmentionable empty message (rather an illusion)
- Public guild spoofer
- Glitched video timestamps
- Glitched channel description
- Private group chat crasher
- Account disabler
- All platforms client crasher (image/GIF)
- All platforms client crasher (contact connection)
- All platforms client crasher (unicode)
- IOS client crasher (GIF)
- IOS client lagger (markdown)
- Android client crasher (GIF)
- Force disable 2FA
- Guild outage (RPC exploit)
- Spoofed connections
- Double HypeSquad houses
- Desktop crasher (URL highlight)
- E-mail verification remover
- New guild outage
- Anti disable (prevent Discord staff from disabling your account)
- Anti Phone Lock (prevent Discord's security system from phone locking your account)
- Anti Disconnect (prevent other users from disconnecting you from any public voice channel)
Let me know, if anything is missing or if you have any exploits, on my Discord Server