
Vircolors - virbos color palette. Because, why not?

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Color palettes. You can take it if you want to.

Main color palette

This is the main color palette. The names are just my custom name.

General colors:

  • BG: #000000
  • FG: #00FF00
  • White: #FFFFFF
  • Grey: #999999
  • DamnGrey: #808080
  • DarkSky: #333333
  • Warning: #E82F0C

Green flavors:

  • Lightgiga: #B6FF0D
  • Chad: #59E80C
  • Green: #00FF00
  • Dank: #0CE84A
  • TooChad: #0DDF96

Blue flavors:

  • Blue: #0000FF
  • Purblue: #480CE8
  • Solid: #0C46E8
  • Light: #0D8CFF

Yellow flavors:

  • Yellow: #FFFF00
  • Tux: #F0A500
  • Orange: #FFB20D

Red flavors:

  • Red: #FF1E19
  • Revolution: #B30C09

Purple flavors:

  • Purple: #9A0FF5
  • Pur: #D00EE8

Currently there's no preview available. You can clone this locally and view it through any color viewer plugins you may like.

Feel free to contribute. I'm (kinda) bad at designing :)))