Hand Gesture to Emoji


  • Python 3, OpenCV, Tensorflow
  • To install the required packages, run pip install -r requirements.txt.

Basic Usage

The repository is currently compatible with tensorflow-2.0 and makes use of the Keras API using the tensorflow.keras library.

  • First, clone the repository and enter the folder
git clone https://github.com/Janmansh/Hackverse-2.0.git
cd Hackverse-2.0
python gesture.py --mode display
  • The folder structure is of the form:

    • gesture.py (file)
    • aGest.xml (haar cascade file)
    • model.h5 (file)
  • This implementation by default detects gestures on all hands in the webcam feed. With a simple 4-layer CNN, the test accuracy reached 58.2% in 50 epochs. Press 'q' to close the camera when finished


  • First, the haar cascade method is used to detect hands in each frame of the webcam feed.

  • The region of image containing the face is resized to 90x70 and is passed as input to the CNN.

  • The network outputs a list of softmax scores for the ten classes of emotions.

  • The emotion with maximum score is displayed on the screen.

Video Chat Application

  • Made using NodeJs and WebRTC.

Required packages

  • npm
  • Express
  • Socket.io
  • peerjs
  • uuid

Steps to run

  • Run peerjs --port 3001 on terminal for establising peer to peer connection.
  • Run npm run devStart for starting server

Work to be Done

  • The video app needs to have the ML pipeline so that we can see the emoji's on live interaction.

Team ( VECTOR )

  • Gaurav Singh
  • Aniket Agrawal
  • Janmansh Agarwal