This github project was developed for teaching during the MARUM_Coral_Paleoclimate practical around coral paleoclimate. This runs through the development of age model for corals, and basic data analysis following the analysis in the Nurhati et al., 2011 paper. It contains a data folder, containing the coral infomraiton for Nurhati et al., 2011 and the SST for each location. The coral data from the age model is not available however the code is still available.
This will create a new environment called coralenv with python3.9 and then you can install all the required packages.
conda create -n coralenv python=3.9
conda install numpy
conda install -c conda-forge cartopy
conda install pandas
conda install ipython
conda install scipy
conda install matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge climlab
pip install pyleoclim
pip install jupyter
pip install statsmodels
pip install netCDF4
pip install xarray
pip install pylr2
pip install shapely
pip install zarr
pip install dask